File Size: 897 KB
Print Length: 125 pages
Publisher: Open Road Media Teen & Tween (November 3, 2015)
Publication Date: November 3, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B015DJ7D70
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #46,236 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Education & Reference > History > Military & Wars #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > United States > 1800s #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Education & Reference > History > United States > Civil War
This brass-tacks biography of US Grant, who served as America’s finest Civil War general and also two terms as US president, was originally written for young adults. Now it is something of an anomaly, and yet not a bad read for the right audience. Thank you, thank you to Open Road Integrated Media and to Net Galley for providing me with the DRC. This book is available for purchase now.Reading this nifty little book reminded me—not entirely happily—of how much sturdier literacy in the United States stood during the 1950’s, when this biography was originally written, compared to now. True, it was a less egalitarian, less inclusive school house that could throw this level of reading at its teenagers, and that is a different debate for a different day. Right now, I just have to tell you that Catton’s boiled-down biography is going to be over the heads of most high school students. In addition, there are a couple of slang terms no longer in use that may confuse the reader. I understood one of them—and I was born in the late ‘50’s—but another phrase left me scratching my head. My two fields, when teaching, were literature and US history, primarily the American Civil War and government, so if I don’t get it, then high school kids will miss some of it also. The book could be used for honors students, most likely, but is no longer ideally suited to high school students.However, I can see its use today for community college students, and also for adults who are not doing research and don’t care to see Mr. Catton’s sources or argue his perspective.
Length: Print, 125 pages; Audible, 5 hours 36 minutes.Target Audience/Genre: Nonfiction, American History/Biography.What was the Rank on the date this review was published? 121.Q - How was this book obtained?A – Borrowed through my Kindle Unlimited account.Q - Is this a book that I can read without having to read others first?A – Yes.Q - Are there a lot of typos/misspellings, grammatical errors or other editing failures?A – No, this is professionally written and edited.Q - Is this a fast, easy read or is it more of a leisure read?A – A fast read that is. An enthralling page turner. A classic.Q - What sort of language does this writer use to amplify the points made?A – Plain English. One lone incident referring to dam@ torpedoes, otherwise there is not a single foul word in this book.Q - My biggest pleasure or disappointment?A – This is going to sound picky, or will be derided as appealing to the ‘politically correct’ crowd, but, it does need to be stated: If this book were to be written in present-day America, the opening chapter might not come across quite so stridently in its bold enthusiastic wistful declaration regarding America’s Golden Age. Indigenous peoples, as well as Blacks and Hispanics might disagree with the statement that the land opened by Manifest Destiny did not become equally available to all the people. Otherwise, though, this is a fabulous historical account of one of the great American military leaders.To give a feel for the editing, and the style and flow of this work, I am posting a brief excerpt below.ExcerptAlways the human tide flowed west.
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