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Undercover Deacon 2
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Frank Mosley, has survived his showdown with the demons from his past. In the aftermath, so many unanswered questions have surfaced. Will he now stay in the town of Fall River Mills and trust that the Lord has brought him here for a reason? Or will he decide life here is just too much for him to stay. Is his connection to Detroit finally over, or are there still demons that will surface.?Pastor Walker reviled he had knowledge of Kerry’s past transgressions. Will this new revelation bring them closer together or tear their marriage apart for good, and is his faith as a man of God strong enough to keep him from going over the edge? Will the congregation except the news of their First Lady, or will this cause members to leave the church? Will Frank and Kerry finally end their love affair or will this cause them to want to become deeper involved? What deep dark secrets has Kerry been keeping buried inside and have they been the root of her out of control life? This story has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. The power of Redemption has won the battle. Now will the devil win the war or is God’s word strong enough to keep this small town together.

File Size: 451 KB

Print Length: 212 pages

Publication Date: February 2, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #18,754 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #26 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #27 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #697 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian

Frank Mosley Faith was tested more ways then one Stacy and Gabby is his life, Frank has a enemy from back in his past who came back to collect his debt took his family for rasom. Frank wanted to go back to his old ways and kill the ones who done him wrong. God spoke to Mother Mary Spirit woke her up He said Pray for Deacon Mosley and his family then Prayed for Kelly's husband Rodney to give him strength and Pray for Pastor Walker and his family. Deacon Mosley had his Mother's Bible every time he thought bout doing things on his own he would hear his Mother's voice speak to his spirit he open the Bible and found the Scripture on what he was going through he wanted revenge on the man who go his family. God spoke to him and said vengeance is mines do you trust me. God is so awesome he keep a hedge of protection around his family He said when two or three or gather together in my Name I am in the Midst of them. Gabby spoke up and said my daddy is a Preacher and she wasn't scare Gabby spoke into her existent and the Angel was speaking to Gabby and Protecting them from harm's way had me shouting this book was inspirational up lifting Faith, Hope, and Love the irony of Spiritual Peace is that it often can not be attained without Spiritual warfare. Salvation belongs to the Lord.

Excellent story. I love, love this story. The bible verses was so on point with the story. When you have faith in God's word you can't go wrong. The ending was beautiful. Didn't need 3,4 or 5 books to finish. I would recommend this book to everyone to read.

Thoroughly enjoyed reading your book. Please continue to write books to help restore Christian values in our lives. I would hope there will be a part 3 because I would love to see what happens to Pastor Frank and his family.

This book is absolutely soul refreshing Xclamation point breathtaking I can't even put into words to describe to you the feeling of love hopelessness a little bit in there but gaining hope gaining positivity gaining spiritual awareness spiritual awakeness knowing that I got a support system out there waiting for me this book would take you on a journey your everyday life and your spiritual life will be absolutely leaping with joy knowing that through this book you can receive God's open arms and know that it is true you can see his good works a mean this book deserves everything that comes with glory in the words thank God for the rider and the story that got laid upon its hard to write this book I would love to see more more to come Aman Aman Aman X mission point commission point estimation point

These two books touched me deeply, I cried, prayed, and cried some more. Giving Faith is a beautiful thing, knowing Good is a wonderful fulfilling thing. We all fall short but knowing that we are covered in the bold is amazing. Reading these books made me relieve that I need tho get back into the church, slow my children tho truly know how WONDERFUL IT IS TO TRULY KNOW GOD’S GRACE. THANK YOU FOR OPENING MY EYES.

One thing I know for sure is God is a good God. Frank was tested and so was Stacey. Kerry was trying to continue running from the Lord. Kelly made amends for the things that was causing Kerry so much pain only because she endured the same thing as well. Frank was the blessing that the Church needed as well as Pastor Walker. This book is truly touchy and will have you repent your sins.

I really enjoyed this book I especially liked the way Deacon Mosley came to the Lord. I think that a lot of people believe that they have to be cleaned up but the Lord let's you know that you can come as you are no matter how broken you areI recommend this book to any one that is seeking for the first time are even more of HIM.

The book was good I'm glad everyone got there life in order after the passing of Kelly especially Kerry. Deacon Moseley didn't have to look over his shoulder anymore. But what happened to Jake nothing else was said about him beside making Frank co owner of junkyard

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