File Size: 869 KB
Print Length: 322 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Anointed Inspirations Publishing (February 7, 2016)
Publication Date: February 7, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #27,574 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #44 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #388 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction
I loved this book mainly because of the references to God, forgiveness, scriptures, and being saved all while giving us a taste of the street life. Chasiti and Gavin are adorable and I don't think Chardonnay is sincere at all...I hate we lost Mama Jean and I'm glad Gavin and Alvin made amends. Something is lurking to make a mess in their lives because that's just how the devil operates. There's a part 2 for a reason...EXCELLENT READ!!
5***** (review it)I was totally fooled. Instead of reading the synopsis i was reading this book for a book discussion. Once i started reading i started to reevaluate my own life. This Author gave it to you from both sides. Sometimes the angel be on one shoulder and the devil be on the other. You can't straddle the fence with jesus. Once you got things all figured out. The devil always find a way to appear.
These ladies have written a banging read. I loved every word. Mama Jean was my girl. She reminded me so much as my grandmother. She didn't hold her tongue about anything. She always spoke whatever was on her mind. This book definitely has a message. It goes to show you that anyone can change their life around. Prayer does work. Great job Ladies. I look forward to reading more from you in the future.
AMAZING! This story had me screaming, shouting, laughing and crying. Mama Jean is the real deal and I loved that she did not sugarcoat anything. Gavon and Chasiti, have become one of my favorite couples and I need to see more of them. Jenica Johnson and Denora Boone, please give us another story with this couple. Excellent story, it made my day a little bit brighter.
This story really done something to me, seeing how works made me put more trust in him even more. Mama Jean was just the gift to Gavon the way she prayed for him was a tear dropper for me. Then Chasti comes in and she turns him into a better man, I God put people in your life a reason and he them out of your also but he has a plan for you and until you have that faith you won't even realize until it was gone and that's just way Chardonnay had find out the hard way. She was more focus on a money scheme and looked where got her, but she was God testimony and she was of excepting of him.
I loved everything about the development of all the characters for this beautiful masterpiece . I have been saved since the age of 15 and this story is so transparent and I can relate to some of the characters, I love the grandmothers character, there is nothing like a praying grandmother!!!. This story has truly blessed me. Keep on writing , you have a future ahead of you ladies. ! God Bless You Both !!!!
These book was great from start to finish. This book let's you see that if GOD has a calling on your life no matter what you are trying to do. GOD will get the glory. This book was a great inspiration to me I would like to encourage as many people that will to read this books. You will NOT be disappointed. YOU WILL LOVE IT FROM START TO FINISH.
What can I say??? This book was so refreshing. Mama Jean was my girl and was definitely someone to admire. I'm not going to give the story away but it is worth reading and it could've been a stand alone but I'm about to buy part 2.
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