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Plain Change (The Plain Fame Series Book 2)
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Amanda Beiler could never have imagined the course her life would take when she happened to meet Alejandro Diaz. After catching the eye of the Cuban superstar, she hesitantly decides to leave her small Amish community in order to save it from the relentless attention of the paparazzi. Away from her close-knit family and the familiar rituals of her faith for the first time, Amanda goes on tour with the famous singer, and as she begins to see the world under Alejandro’s care, she starts to appreciate life beyond the boundaries of home. Meanwhile, Alejandro is changing, too, and remembering what it feels like to be with someone who wants him despite—not because of—his celebrity.As their connection grows stronger and their differences shrink, Amanda will have to make a difficult choice: Return to her old life among the Plain, or stay in the limelight with the man she loves?Revised edition: This edition of Plain Change includes editorial revisions.

File Size: 1672 KB

Print Length: 334 pages

Publisher: Waterfall Press (September 29, 2015)

Publication Date: September 29, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #21,978 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #82 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Amish & Mennonite #82 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Amish #82 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Romance > Amish

I'm not sure there are correct words for me to use in the review of Sarah Price's "Plain Change" to describe how much I really enjoyed this book.Plain Change is the 2nd in Sarah's "The Amish of Lititz: The Plain Fame Trilogy. It was worth the wait. Although I really enjoyed the first book in the series "Plain Fame", I enjoyed this one more.As started in "Plain Fame", we follow along with Amanda Beiler & Alejandro Diaz. Two souls from completely different worlds, brought together by an accident. Amanda, the quiet submissive Amish girl and Alejandro, the ever so handsome Cuban singer. (oh, if you could see the image in my head of him!)In this new part to this story, Amanda is forced to leave the solitude of her Amish home in Pennsylvania, into the fast paced world of well known rock star Alejandro. A world of lights, excitement, parties, and as far from her upbringing than she is comfortable with. How does someone deal with being thrust as she was into this wild exciting world. Will she adapt? Will Alejandro adapt to introducing her to his world, while still respecting her Amish beliefs?Sarah takes us through this adventure, seen through the eyes mostly of Amanda and she brings to us a world we would not have normally thought of. Tour schedules, concert performances, interviews, bus rides, first airplane flights, and many more exciting ones that I won't tell you about for fear of spoiling it for you. But the biggest adventure is the relationship that begins to develop between Amanda and Alejandro. A delicious one.Oh, and let me tell you about... nope. Better not as it would be a spoiler! But, it's good!!!I will tell you though that I enjoyed this book so much that I stepped back and questioned myself.

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