Series: Indestructibles
Paperback: 8 pages
Publisher: Workman Publishing Company; Nov edition (February 3, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0761159215
ISBN-13: 978-0761159216
Product Dimensions: 7 x 0.1 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (63 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #18,531 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #33 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Poetry > Nursery Rhymes #74 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Poetry #152 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Family Life > Sleep
Age Range: 1 - 2 years
Grade Level: Preschool and up
At about 5-6 months old my baby developed an insatiable taste for paper... she loved to crumple it, crunch it, wad it up, and put it in her mouth. After a couple of Sundays with corners of church bulletins chewed off and wads of soggy paper pulled from my baby's mouth in my purse, I knew we had a problem.The "indestructibles" books seemed like the perfect solution. At first I thought it was too good to be true, but I bought one to try it out anyway. Sure enough, my baby product tested it like a star. She tried to rip, she tried to chew, she tried to moisten the pages in order to rip and chew by sucking/gnawing on the book for extended periods... all to no avail! Even after being jammed in the diaper bag and crumpled by other toys, these books remarkably retain/rebend to their original shape. And to baby, they look and feel and SOUND like paper!Overall, GREAT quality product, beyond DURABLE, and great pictures to boot! (Though, for our purposes, this part was truly optional) Some reviewers have complained about the lack of words. I was a bit disappointed by that at first too when I first flipped through the books in a store, but then I realized, "Do I really need a book to say 'Deer' for me to point it out and tell my baby, 'That is a deer!'" Likewise, with some of the Nursery Rhyme varieties of these books, I KNOW the Nursery Rhyme, and my grabby chewy baby rarely has patience to sit and listen to a story in sequential order anyway... and when she does, these probably aren't the books we're reading! (Again, I bought them for the indestructible quality) That said, I do like the themes, the rhymes, and the multi-culturalness of many of the books in this series.The book does exactly what it claims to do and beautifully so! But, one caveat...
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