Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Dragonfly Books (July 9, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385753713
ISBN-13: 978-0385753715
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 0.1 x 7 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (14 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #562,451 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #64 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Time #172 in Books > Children's Books > Growing Up & Facts of Life > Friendship, Social Skills & School Life > First Day of School #436 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Alphabet
Age Range: 3 - 7 years
Grade Level: Preschool - 2
I've been looking for a good "I'm off to Kindergarten" book for my daughter. As you may have discovered yourself, there are hundreds to choose from. So far, I've found most of them fall into two categories: the "quiet my fears" type that list what MIGHT go wrong and why it's not a problem and the "look at all the fun stuff" type that list all the toys and art projects that kids will find in Kindergarten. With the first type, some kids actually pick up new fears from the book (my daughter would be in this group) and with the second type, the toys and activities would have been found in Kindergartens 20+ years ago but are rarely found in today's academic focused schools (not that that's a good thing!).This book is neither. It's a simple, joyous countdown to a little girl's first day of school. She is so excited she can barely contain herself and her happiness is infectious. My little girl was very uneasy about starting Kindergarten (still months away), didn't want to discuss it, and didn't want to hear any of the stories I had checked out of the library. Then she saw the happy little girl on the cover of this one and asked me to read it. One reading was enough - "Buy a copy of this one, Mommy!"
Getting ready for your first day of school is a very exiting thing, especially if you are old enough to go to kindergarten. Lucy is going to start school in only seven days and is in the kitchen looking at the calendar on the refrigerator. Her eyes are wide with excitement, but her Mom tells her to "be patient, do not worry." She's very excited and on Monday she is playing and talking to herself in her room."I'll be ready, I'll be smart.I will get a running start.I'll say thank you,I'll say please.I will saymy ABCs!"As the week goes by Lucy thinks of all the things she will do when she gets there and all the smart things she can already do. By Wednesday she is thinking of what she will wear. By Thursday she knows what she'll bring for "show-and-tell." She's marking off the days and she's keeping a very close watch on Monday, the day with the star on it.This little book, a perfect one for little hands, is simply marvelous. The rhyming text is adorable and the complimentary art work shows brings the excitement to the book. If you have a young one getting ready to go to kindergarten this is one fun book you won't want to pass up!
Great for my granddaughter who was a little apprehensive about leaving home all day. It helped her see what would really happen. She did wonderful her first day when she saw all her friends and like kindergarten. She read it several times with her parents the week before she started kindergarten so it was perfect.
I had to replace this book as the first one they "loved" to death. but we love counting and picking out all the interesting things in each picture. we also love the rhymes and it definitely matches the enthusiasm of our kindergartners.
I purchased this book for my niece and gave it to her weeks before she began kindergarten. It has a great story, wonderful pictures and is great for a gift.
It has the elements that children love....rhyme, animals, and a countdown to a special day... the first day of kindergarten. Great for those children with some anxiety for the start of school.
Best Kindergarten book I've seen yet! Doesn't talk about all sorts of things your kid may never do. Doesn't get off track talking about things that will happen at the end of the year.
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