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Hellstrom's Hive
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America is a police state, and it is about to be threatened by the most hellish enemy in the world: insects. When the Agency discovered that Dr. Hellstrom's Project 40 was a cover for a secret laboratory, a special team of agents was immediately dispatched to discover its true purpose and its weaknesses—it could not be allowed to continue. What they discovered was a nightmare more horrific and hideous than even their paranoid government minds could devise. First published in Galaxy magazine in 1973 as "Project 40," Frank Herbert's vivid imagination and brilliant view of nature and ecology have never been more evident than in this classic of science fiction.

Audio CD

Publisher: Tantor Audio; Unabridged edition (April 7, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1400105641

ISBN-13: 978-1400105649

Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 1.1 x 5.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (28 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,347,058 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #14 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( H ) > Herbert, Frank #940 in Books > Books on CD > Horror #3654 in Books > Books on CD > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction

This first thing to know, if you read this book, is that it is helpful--though not necessary--to first watch the film The Hellstrom Chronicle. This is an Oscar winning documentary film made in 1971 about insects, but it borrows the trappings of a horror movie. The film proposes that eventually insects will replace humans as the dominant form of life on earth. It is narrated by fictional entomologist, Dr. Nils Hellstrom (portrayed by actor Lawrence Pressman.)After the success of the film, Frank Herbert appropriated the character of Nils Hellstrom and constructed an elaborate back-story that forms the basis of the book. Hellstrom is shown not only to be a documentary film-maker, but also the leader of a secret community of humans that have chosen to pattern their society after social insects. They do this believing their choice will eventually be the salvation of the human race, and that the "wild outsider" human society will eventually self destruct. For centuries the Hive has existed in secret, waiting for they day it will inherit the earth.The plot revolves around a secret government agency that discovers evidence linking Hellstrom to a powerful weapon. Attempting to learn more, the agency sends spies to Hellstrom's farm, ignorant of the human hive that it conceals. Eventually the two groups come into conflict.In my opinion, this is Herbert's best work outside his Dune novels. He does several interesting things with the story. The Hive can be viewed as a surrogate for any insular group that rejects conventional society.

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