Hardcover: 544 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 3 edition (January 13, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 007338643X
ISBN-13: 978-0073386430
Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 1 x 11.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (26 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #165,216 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #38 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Foreign Language Learning > French #158 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > French #250 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Linguistics
I'm an Intercultural Relations Major and am studying Spanish, French, and Arabic concurrently; but one thing I find odd is that, this particularly textbook--which is for beginners, makes no point to highlight and define new vocabulary words on the side as side notes, like most standard textbooks. Instead you have to search the back of the book and sometimes words are not even listed in the back of the glossary. Simply put, this book is pretty useless when it comes to learning French, the Professor's lectures are really what counts, and unfortunately you cannot rely on this book as a helpful supplement to learning or understanding a concept taught in class, but will have to turn else where on the internet for help.Too expensive for such little help.
French is my 4th acquired language, but for an introductory level language text book, this one organizes in the poorest way I've seen.Grammar-wise it puts some basic ones way behind some harder ones, and it really incorporates minimal explanation. They even put conjugation as bullet#1, the usage for bullet#2, and the exceptions to the rule for bullet#3. Every grammar structure is just a mash-up of everything the authors come up with.Vocabulary-wise, every chapter the vocab revolves around a passage or a piece of advertisement or something. It's sufficiently large, but doesn't build up the reader's vocab, as it is sporadic.Video-wise, I don't know why some reviews say it goes up the levels, because I don't see it that way. The videos constantly refer one chapter's grammar point to a clip from a different chapter. Say, a grammar point from chp. 14, is referred to a line in the chp.1 video. This means, there are pretty difficult sentences in the early chapters as well, unless one ignores them. Not to mention that in the video the characters all speak pretty fast for beginners and there is no subtitle option.If you are using this book for French class, I wish you have a better instructor than me. Otherwise you'll end up looking up materials online and teaching yourself french, like me.
This textbook is absolutely terrible! The online assignments are even worse! It should be a crime to use this in university classrooms. I thought when I signed up for French this book was going to be well structured and beginner friendly, but it isn't. It's poorly organized and lacks in depth explanation of why certain things are the way they are (an example is words having a certain sex). The book simply telling me a certain word is masculine but failing to explain why that is so is useless. I don't pay thousands of dollars in tuition to memorize things. I want to understand the concepts behind things and understand why they are the way they are. This book fails to do something as simple as that. Furthermore, French is a WRITTEN language so this book should start off by teaching us the alphabet and basic grammar, but it starts off by teaching you a bunch of random words for the first chapter (this is a preview chapter, but still). For those wondering, I have not dropped the class, nor do I plan to (I need the credit). If you plan to study French on your own DO NOT use this book. Long story short, buyer beware. It's a trap....
I HAD to buy this book for my French 1 class, and I don't think this book is really for beginners, since it has a lot of more advanced vocabulary. I think it should've had better descriptions and more examples of the content. It sucks. It goes way to fast for one to learn. It's too complex.
Giving one star for the Kindle version. You can NOT open this book if you're running Windows 8. It appears in the book list, but will not open. Customer service could not give me a clear reason why it won't work.
I had to purchase this book and accessories for my class at the Graduate School (previously the USDA school) and while they're not really how I like to learn a language, I can definitely appreciate them. The movie that goes along with it (a scene or two for each chapter) is amusing and builds the difficulty level of the dialogue at an easy pace. The workbook really helps as review for tests. The online quizzes are not that great, but I really appreciated the MP3s of vocabulary and to use with the workbook (we would all download them to our MP3 players). I think if you have a decent grasp of basic pronunciation and grammar, you should be able to use these to study on your own (the opinion of a good portion of the class).
I wish that it was worth the price. It's great as supplementary material, but the book alone is barely substantial.
The kindle version of this book only works for one device which is MAC laptop but does not work on any other devices such as android or windows OS. I am very disappointed. I need my money back.
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