Series: Instant Immersion
Paperback: 116 pages
Publisher: Topics Entertainment (June 2003)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 1591503108
ISBN-13: 978-1591503101
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.1 ounces
Average Customer Review: 3.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (5 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,791,621 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #195 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Foreign Language Learning > German #3014 in Books > Reference > Words, Language & Grammar > Vocabulary, Slang & Word Lists #4652 in Books > Reference > Foreign Language Study & Reference > Instruction
First, what's with all the bizarre pictures? Not just cartoony but grotesquemisshapen heads and bodies on every page. I don't get that at all.I bought the workbook thinking it would go with the audio CDs, but they don'tgo together at all. Perhaps that's my fault as they don't actually say they do,but with the same cover you would think... ?By itself, I don't think it would be of much use. Filled with German sentences,but without much English translation. I do like when they print the phoneticpronunciation of some words.Maybe I'm being too critical. But I'd go with the audio CDs. They are quite good.
I noticed some vocab is printed under the wrong meaning and some of the answers in the back of the book are completely wrong, telling you that Morning means Pictures are really weird in this book as someone else noted. Not much English translation, making some of the exercises a pain unless you turn to the answer key (Which like i said, had wrong answers). This isn't the best for beginners, but maybe for those who know enough of the beginner German language to realize what is actually right in the book.
This is a grand item. It is colorful, with entertaining stories, believable situations, and VERY good at explaining the grammar to someone who has ZERO experience with German sentence structure. I only knew some basic phrases (I'm hungry, where's the bathroom, my name is...) and some vocabulary. Now, I can, although with a little help, communicate with my Father's German business partners with almost no hesitating as for the next word! I still make a mistake every now and then, but the past six months in which I read the whole book, and worked all the problems, I have gone from elementary German to advanced! This is a GREAT product, and I highly reccommend it!
For use with the Instant Immersion Program, the workbook includes exercises to reinforce the material presented. The workbook could be used alone, but it works nicely with the computer program.
The book is ok. I thought it might be more structured and organized, but it seems to have quite a bit of vocabulary for the small book that it is. It is in color, but there are pictures and text all over the place and it's hard to make sense of it all. I ended up ordering the Barron's Mastering French learning set with a book and cassette tapes because I had a German learning set from Barron's and it was very well organized. The Barron's learning system is used to train U.S. diplomatic personnel and is meant to help you speak fluently. I liked that better because I was looking for something to help me learn the language thouroughly, explain the grammar and teach me more than a little vocabulary and some phrases.
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