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Bob & Ray: The Lost Episodes, Volume 4
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Contains 81 Bob & Ray selections including 6 Mary Backstayge episodes featuring Sming Smog, a giant skunk who escapes from the New York Coliseum into Carnegie Hall, then scales the Empire State Building; Wally Ballou; Mary McGoon; Webley Webster; Biff Burns; Linda Lovely; The McBeeBee Twins; Barry Campbell; Commercials; Matt Neffer, Boy Spotwelder; Elmer W. Litzinger, Spy; Mr. Trace, Keener Than Most Persons; Aunt Penny's Sunlit Kitchen; One Fella's Family; Charles the Poet; CBS Promos and much more.

Audio CD

Publisher: The Radio Foundation, Inc. (November 30, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1892091437

ISBN-13: 978-1892091437

Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 5 x 1 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (2 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,007,288 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #282 in Books > Books on CD > Humor #1095 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Radio > General Broadcasting #35016 in Books > Humor & Entertainment > Humor

The material on the CDs is simply great! These guys were pioneers in something that has become so rare these days, intelligent, non-ridiculing, non-mean spirited, profanity laced humor. Indeed radio today with the exception of college stations, Pacifica Radio and some community radio is all programmed from a corporate headquarters in New York or L.A. or somewhere and shows like Bob and Ray's aren't even possible now. I'm so happy that so many of their shows were recorded and have made it onto this series of CDs. Unfortunately the packaging to ship this to me sucked. The CDs are all OK but the 4 CD case arrived completely shattered.

Great old Bob and Ray shows.

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