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Harold Et Le Crayon Violet: The French Edition Of Harold And The Purple Crayon
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HAVE FUN LEARNING FRENCH WITH THE BELOVED STORY OF HAROLD AND HIS MAGICAL CRAYONPublié en anglais sous le titre « Harold and the Purple Crayon, » ce classique indémodable fait depuis plus de 50 ans les délices des lecteurs de tous âges. Ce petit livre captivant raconte l’histoire d’Harold, armé d’un crayon violet trop grand pour lui, avec lequel il va dessiner ses aventures imaginaires. Multipliant les surprises et les rebondissements, Harold et le Crayon Violet n’est pas seulement un basique pour apprendre à lire le français. C’est aussi une histoire réjouissante qui montre que l’imagination offer à chacun un voyage sans limites. … … …Published in English under the title “Harold and the Purple Crayon,” this timeless classic has delighted readers of all ages for more than 50 years. This little book tells the fascinating story of Harold, armed with a purple crayon too big for him, with which he will draw his imaginary adventures. Multiplying the surprises and twists, Harold and the Purple Crayonis not only a basic book to learn to read French. It is also a delightful story that shows that imagination offers everyone a journey without limits.

Hardcover: 64 pages

Publisher: Ulysses Press; Tra edition (April 9, 2013)

Language: French

ISBN-10: 161243164X

ISBN-13: 978-1612431642

Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 6 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (11 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #51,291 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Foreign Language Learning > French #720 in Books > Children's Books > Classics #1130 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Chapter Books & Readers > Beginner Readers

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

Excellent book for my 5-year old daughter to practice reading in French since there are typically only one to three short lines on each page. While my daughter grew up with both French and English at home, this would be a good book for someone learning French as well (very basic vocabulary and sentences).

I remember my mother reading this to me, (Harold and the Purple Crayon, is the name of the English version). I read it to my oldest two (now in their 20's), I bought it for my youngest two, they love it also, I was overjoyed to find it in French for my non-English speaking niece from Canada. Yay! This book seems so simple when you first open it,...but watch how your child's imagine runs with it as you (or they) read it. It's kind of a must have for your child's at-home-library, if you ask me.

As a French teacher I use this book to introduce the passé simple and my students really enjoy the walk down memory lane. Cute book!

This book is adorable and perfect for my grandson who is living in France and just learning the language.

I Love this story. It is perfect to reinforce the French language. Harold et le Crayon Violet is simple and fun to read.

One of mine and my husbands favorite childhood books and we decided to get it in French as we are teaching our son to speak the language.

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