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The Story Factor (2nd Revised Edition)
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The new material for this revised edition offers an expanded case study of storytelling in action that focuses on one of Simmons’s success stories. Over one hundred stories drawn from the front lines of business and government, as well as myths, fables, and parables from around the world, illustrate how story can be used to persuade, motivate, and inspire in ways that cold facts, bullet points, and directives can’t. These stories, combined with practical storytelling techniques show anyone how to become a more effective communicator. From “who I am” to “I-know-what-you’re thinking,” Simmons identifies the six stories you need to know how to tell and demonstrates how they can be applied. This revised edition offers a guide to using storytelling in specific business circumstances, including corporate reorganizations, layoffs, and diversity issues.

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: Basic Books; 2nd edition (April 4, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0465078079

ISBN-13: 978-0465078073

Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 0.7 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (77 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #55,976 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Mythology & Folk Tales > Mythology #88 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Running Meetings & Presentations #326 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Communications

As the title indicates, this is a book about the power of storytelling as an influencing tool. As Annette best tells it: "People don't want more information. They are up to their eyeball in information. They want faith...Faith needs a story to sustain it - a meaningful story that inspires belief in you and renews hope that your ideas indeed offer what you promise...Story is your path to creating faith. Telling a meaningful story means inspiring your reach the same conclusions you have reached and decide for themselves to believe what you say and do what you want them to do. People value their own conclusions more highly than yours. They will only have faith in a story that has become real for them personally. Once people make your story, their story, you have tapped into the powerful force of faith. Future influence will require very little follow-up energy from you and may even expand as people recall and retell your story to others."The author then goes to summarize what the remainder of the book is about: "The rest of this book is dedicated to proving to you the things you already know about storytelling and filling in whatever gaps might be missing. Storytelling is not rocket science. It is very easy and incredibly rewarding to practice."A very enlightening, practical and applicable book - no matter what it is that you do in life. You will find inspiration and learn numerous techniques to improve your storytelling abilities and consequently your influence. Highly recommended read!Below are key excerpts from the book, that I found particularly insightful:1- "There are six types of stories that will serve you well in your efforts to influence others.

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