Series: Schaum's Outlines
Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (September 10, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071635327
ISBN-13: 978-0071635325
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.8 x 10.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (16 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #168,294 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Science & Math > Mathematics > Pure Mathematics > Finite Mathematics #58 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Business Mathematics #151 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Student Life
This is a very accessible and informative book. I had a couple of courses in calculus back in the early '60's, but I remembered next to nothing. Furthermore, I had absolutely no recollection of partial derivatives or total differentials. For all I know, we never covered them.Nevertheless, with the help of Dowling's text, a colleague and I were able to use partial derivatives with a large data set to demonstrate that school size and the measured achievement of schools with largely low-income students are inversely related. Furthermore, using total differentials we were able to demonstrate that the measured achievement costs of increasing school size are diminished as districts get smaller, and that the benefits of small schools for less-advantaged students are diminished as districts get larger.This is the one time in my life that I was able simply "follow the math" to a new and interesting finding, the one that followed from the total differential. Without a text as accessible, usefully organized, and broadly informative as Dowling's, I never would have been able to pull it off. A small achievement, perhaps, but very satisfying.
This book helped me more in intermediate microeconomics course than the actual book we were intended to use. If you want many of the useful math tricks used for business and economics in one convenient package, then I would highly recommend getting this book.
I had to purchase this book for a grad school class that I was taking. The book is well written, provides easy to follow examples, and contains many test problems that can be solved to practice the skills you have learned.
I am scheduled to start a Masters in Applied Economics. I was not getting straight answers, I decided to contact one of the finest schools in the world, John Hopkins. On their website they recommend the outline in this book. That is what they expect students to know before they start a Masters in Econ. the topic, although a bit more depth would be the only thing lacking it. I recommend it to anyone who is studying business and is struggling with the math side of it, although as you progress in your studies, you will notice that the book doesnt go into enough depth, especially in the area of differential geometry.
Very clearly written, and covers the fundamentals of algebra and calculus needed for an intermediate economics course. In fact, I would recommend this over Dr. Dowlings other outline (math methods for econ) for an intermediate level course. But both are extremely helpful, this is just more intermediate level, with the other feeling more advanced.
Really good book for someone who took college-level Calculus few years ago but need to brush up on the concepts for job interviews, preparation for graduate school or for fun. What makes this book so informative is its easy-to-follow format allowing the reader to ease into the more complex concepts of mathematical methods. For example, it starts with very basic concepts of calculus (i.e. differential calculus, optimization problems etc.) and ends with advanced theoretical concepts such as multi-variable calculus. Similarly, it begins with basic level of algebra and ends with intermediate linear algebra. Assuming that you have the discipline of studying periodically, this book is the best alternative to taking a refresher course in college-level algebra/mathematics.
This book was used by my class as the main textbook. Very easy to understand and will help you get an A in your class.
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