File Size: 1186 KB
Print Length: 79 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: (June 22, 2012)
Publication Date: June 22, 2012
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #474,626 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #55 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Geography & Cultures > Multilingual #65 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Education & Reference > Foreign Language Learning > German #120 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Foreign Language Learning > German
I don't know a thing about German, I really don't. So when I had a chance to get a copy of a children/beginner book I grabbed the opportunity. I read through it a couple time, trying to learn the basic structure of the language. The illustrations and short sentences are easy to practice and filled with great beginner words. I found it difficult to learn with no kind of basic reference page and only the questions and answers to fall back on. Luckily I have someone in my life that knows German, or else I would have been lost in the dark. I think this book could be a great teaching tool in the right hands, and maybe that's exactly what the books is going for. It also helped open the door for me to WANT to learn German. I highly recommend it.
I have always felt it would be best to start learning another language the way we learned our native language growing up -- by looking at picture books with interesting stories rather than slogging through verb conjugations. I took German in high school and would like to brush up and improve my skills. I was surprised how easily I could understand this story over twenty years after my last German class. I even learned a few new words! I will definitely be on the lookout for more books by this author.
The story of Fred is cute and easy to follow . The method of reading once, with no supporting vocabulary or grammar, to get into the flow of the language, was unfamiliar, but works well . As one re-reads with the support, things come together. To me, though, the magic happens as this process is iterated. One picks up more, and there is the motivation to understand without the supports. Finally, the questions again have no supports, and motivated me to grab dictionaries and other resources. A simple story motivates the student to learn more. I love the approach.
Fun little story! My kids love it. We're teaching them German and this is one of their favorite stories.It has the story, then it has a "Learn section" or something where it asks you questions after each page about the content of the page. It's helpful if you're learning German.
A good book for someone who has a little vocabulary, and wants to use it in context.The new words are well explained at the end, but the questions that go along with the story can have you grabbing for your dictionary.I'm looking forward to reading more from this author.
The story was sweet and engaging. The words were simple, and the pictures are helpful to German learners. The end section was helpful, with the vocabulary outlined after almost every page and questions to get the reader to practice German.
Perhaps I'm been spoiled by other Kindle offerings, but there isn't much content for $3. The artwork, such as it is, takes up quite a bit of the 70 odd pages. I won't say it is primitive, but until I came upon a question about a Muschel in the second half, I wasn't sure exactly what Fred had for a roommate.
Great learning tool for those that know a little German. Really leads you through using photos and context, and then strengthens with Q&A.Not the right book for someone who has mid level German skills, or no German skills.
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