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Sentences And Paragraphs: Mastering The Two Most Important Units Of Writing (The Writing Code Series Book 8)
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"Sentences and Paragraphs," by Charles Euchner, is the completely updated best-selling and most authoritative book available on the essential two units of writing. Get it and use it. You will write better than ever -- and spare yourself hundreds of hours of confusion and agony. Hemingway one remarked that the ultimate challenge of writing is to produce "one true sentence." If you can write one great sentence, you can write more. If you can write great sentences, line after line, you can master any writing project from school paper to published book.Building on the foundation of The Golden Rule of Writing, Charles Euchner shows you everything you need to write good sentences and paragraphs. Strangely, few teachers or editors even define a paragraph. And so paragraphs become a hidge-podge collection of ideas, some related and some not. without a clear understanding of this basic unit of writing, we struggle to write well. The definition of a paragraph in this work is simple: A cluster of sentences (usually) that states and develops just one idea. The development of this idea, ideally, takes the reader on a "journey" from one understanding of the world to another. Ideally, again, the paragraph "starts strong" and "finishes strong." This concise how-to guide shows you, with clear examples, how to:• Follow the Golden Rule for Sentences• Give Every Sentence an Action Packet• Make Every Sentence a Revolver• Use the Verbs To Be and To Have Sparingly• Make Some Sentences More Complicated• Alternate Short and Long Sentences• Follow the Golden Rule in Every Paragraph• ‘Climb the Arc’ in Most Paragraphs• Make Every Paragraph an “Idea Bucket”"Sentences and Paragraphs" includes vivid case studies of The New York Times Coverage of National Crises, Stephen Crane’s "The Red Badge of Courage," Milan Kundera’s "Slowness," Stanley Fish’s "How to Write a Sentence," Ernest Hemingway’s journalism, James Van Tholen’s “Surprised By Death,” and Martin Luther King’s “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop.”Each chapter also includes exercises for you to put your new skills to work.ABOUT THE AUTHORCharles Euchner — the author or editor of a dozen books who has taught writing at Yale and directed a think tank at Harvard — is a case writer at the Yale School of Management and the creator and principal of The Writing Code.In the past three years, Euchner has published a series of books on writing and civil rights. His three books on writing — The Writing Code Series (a 14-part series of ebooks that includes this work), "The One-Minute Writer," and "Write the Book" — offer a complete system for all genres. Now available only on , these and other works will be available on all book platforms and in pulp form by fall.Euchner is also the author or editor of ten books. His latest book "Nobody Turn Me Around: A People’s History of the 1963 March on Washington" (Beacon Press, 2010), has been praised as a dramatic reinterpretation of the civil rights movement. Kirkus Reviews, in a starred review, called it “dynamic ... sharp, riveting.” Juan Williams, author of Eyes on the Prize, called it “compelling and dramatic.” Curtis Wilkie, a longtime chronicler of civil rights, says the book provides “a panorama of vivid characters.” Roger Wilkins, a former White House aide in the civil rights era, said it “brings it all back in vivid detail.” A short documentary based on the book, written by Euchner, won the award for best writing at the 2011 Re-Image Film Festival and will air on PBS stations.Euchner’s other books include a trilogy on the state of sports in modern America ("Playing the Field," "The Last Nine Innings," and "Little League, Big Dreams"), grassroots politics ("Urban Policy Reconsidered" and "Extraordinary Politics"), presidential politics ("Selecting the President" and "The President and the Public"), and regional politics (the two-part "Governing Greater Boston" project).

File Size: 1465 KB

Print Length: 74 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: September 10, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #50,420 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #24 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Business Writing #46 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Business Writing #59 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Education & Reference

I bought this book for my teenage daughter to help her improve her writing. She likes to write fiction and poetry, but has a hard time writing in an essay format or anything non-fiction. Since that is so important in school, I wanted to find her a book that would really give her the tools she needs to be successful in the academic writing that she does daily. I tried "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" but she couldn't get into it. I was referred to this book by a teacher at her school, and it is an excellent resource. In my opinion, it is much easier to use and much more fun to read than "Eats, Shoots and Leaves". The writing is excellent (not a big surprise considering the source material!), but the real value in this book is that is direct and to the point without being boring. It is really written in a journalistic style that hooks you - but also teaches you. If you are looking for a good tool to improve your writing, especially your non-fiction or essay writing, this is truly the book for you. I would recommend this to students in high school and up as well as adults. Truth be told, as I went through this with my daughter, I found that there were tips in the book that I benefitted from!

I downloaded a sample to my kindle and was captivated. However the front piece told me this was just an exerpt from a larger book on all aspects of writing. I read a sample of the Big Book of Writing and decided I would want to read more of Euchner and so paid for the Big Book. If you like his writing I highly suggest you get the Big Book which has this part and so much more.

Getting to the point is the main focus of this book. The book is extremely short with explanations with minimal examples. This ebook is great for high school and college students. A workbook, supplements, or laid out as a reference ebook would created a 5 star rating.

I have read numerous "how To" books on writing. I like reading about writing and learning new ideaas. This is a unique approach to sentences and paragraphs and I recall it when ever I write one or the other.

I know my grammar well, but the phrases Charles Euchner uses like "action pacts" really helps me understand how to write better. His insights into how often to use verbs & how to build paragraphs stick into my mind.

This was the one I wanted. This is a great book. It slowed me down and focused on my sentences. It changed my writing. It gave me more to write about, all with this one theory. This one is the crowning grace of what you can learn in a short book and is concise and a lazy, nighttime read. It does repeat some of the other stuff said in the other books. Give it a go if you don't mind because it may help depending on if you know what it tells!!!!!

This is a very good book to get you interested in writing better. I recommend it. There are many other books like this, and I cannot say that there is a best one. It is easy reading and the subject is covered nicely.

As a tutor and recent English graduate I find it important that knowledge of simple grammar be something writers and communicators take seriously.The issue (in my experience) is that the bulk of English grammar can be confusing, seemingly contradicting, and a down right pain to understand.That's why I recommend resources (such as this book) that are specific to different elements of grammar so that those studying are less likely to get overwhelmed and more likely to grasp the needed concepts to better their writing.Charles Euchner's series are great for writers of various ages and experience levels.

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