Series: Auditing and Assurance Services
Hardcover: 884 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 5th edition (January 23, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0077520165
ISBN-13: 978-0077520168
Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 1.6 x 11.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (26 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #262,607 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > Auditing #5467 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance #66497 in Books > Reference
I needed this book for my auditing class and I saved about fifty more dollars when I bought it in the loose leaf format. It is a little bit more of an inconvenience to have the text unbound, but you save money. The loose leaf is already hole-punched, so you can just put it in a 1.5 inch binder, and you're set. I'm very satisfied with this text as it is. It cost less, arrived on time, and was in perfect condition with the ACL cd.
Personally, I think this is a solid Auditing Textbook - I've adopted it for my own auditing classes. The authors take an approach and tone that make the book accessible for students. Just a note about the other review, this is the LOOSE LEAF edition. The hardcover edition is also available on .
All textbooks are overpriced in my opinion, so price is never a winner in my eyes. However, as far as the material in this text book, it wasn't half bad. I used this textbook for an auditing course at Texas A&M University, a rather difficult class. When it came time to study for tests I found myself returning to this textbook more than I usually did for my classes. It's an auditing textbook so don't get your hopes up for an enjoyable read, but the information in the textbook is explained well. The examples given in the book were quite helpful.This book comes packaged with a CD that has some sort of extra practice on it. Honestly, I never took the CD out of the book and it looks like others who used the book before me didn't either (I rented the textbook), so I would only recommend the CD if your professor requires it.If you are going into the Financial Auditing, purchasing this book might not be a bad idea (I'm going into advisory so it may have been useful to buy, but I doubt it). It does contain practices that are used in the profession today, but could change tomorrow. Overall good textbook and will help you understand the information presented in your course.
Almost every word in these chapters is highlighted. It is incredibly sloppy and hard to read. The pages might have well been printed in yellow. ALSO...the CD was not even included. It specifically stated in the title that it was included. Finally, FedEx is the slowest way to ship anything other than through Paul Revere on a donkey. My book almost didn't arrive by my first exam. I rated this at two stars instead of one because I am still able to use this book for class.
The book was delivered in excellent condition and it was right on time. The book was very helpful for the course. The information referenced was great for the different homework, quizzes and discussions assigned. There were only a couple of areas that I had to review over twice or more to understand, but for the most part, I have no complaints.
good audit book, good and easily understandable format and information. i believe this book helps explain good basics in auditing to help study for CPA exam.
No issues with this package here. It's loose so you can put it in a 2" binder and making copies is easier when you can take out the pages.
Book came in quickly - happy to be able to take advantage of the rental opportunity that provides, especially for a book like this.
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