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Principles Of Auditing & Other Assurance Services
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The 20th edition of Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services provides a carefully balanced presentation of auditing theory and practice. Written in a clear and understandable manner, it is particularly appropriate for students who have had limited or no audit experience. The approach is to integrate auditing material with that of previous accounting fi nancial, managerial, and systems courses.

File Size: 28390 KB

Print Length: 880 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 20 edition (January 23, 2015)

Publication Date: January 23, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #45,059 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Accounting > Auditing #8 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting > Auditing #7310 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction

Unfortunately for you, dear prospective buyer, your professor has signed a pact with the devil that they would assign this book for their class. What they stood to gain from it is unclear, but you can be certain they were well rewarded for your payment in misery. I'm entirely certain that the authors of this book were paid by the word, and they were attempting to get rich quick. Redundancy and unnecessary, run on sentences should be the defining aspect of this book. It could have been cut in half and would still have been too long.If I ever wanted to find out just how long I could stretch an explanation of how to make a cup of coffee, I'd hire the authors in a heartbeat, and I have no doubt they'd compile a tome no shorter than 1500 pages of droll, repetitive, inane babble that completely explained every step in purchasing, brewing, and pouring said coffee, and I'm sure it would be just as snooze worthy.Not to be entirely negative however, the book makes a great doorstop, as well as an efficient sedative for those nights when you've been snorting pure meth all day long. Could also possibly be used as an alibi in a murder trial, since anyone forced to read it would clearly be left with no time or energy to do anything else.

This is a horribly written book. It is difficult to find information in it; the book badly needs better organization of content. Sometimes it feels like the writers were being deliberately obtuse. Furthermore, the team that wrote the book and the team that wrote the Connect questions seem like two different teams. Even doing homework with this book is difficult.Sadly, as the other reviewer stated, you won't have a choice if this is the textbook your professor uses for your class.

Very difficult read. Lots of info. Reads like a technical manual. It's one of the more difficult to read textbooks I've had to use. But... what choice do you have? The professor is going to assign the book and there's not much you can do about it

Adequately written, reading it was mandatory. Overpriced as usual.


Excellent book, probably the best auditing book on the market.

Can use in the U.S. very good book.

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