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Counting The Days While My Mind Slips Away: A Love Letter To My Family
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After five major concussions, NFL tight-end Ben Utecht of the Indianapolis Colts is losing his memories. The author reads his powerful and emotional love letter to his wife and daughters—whom he someday may not recognize—and an inspiring message for all to live every moment fully.At the age of thirty-four, Ben Utecht has accumulated a vast treasure of memories: tossing a football in the yard with his father, meeting his wife with whom he’d build a loving partnership and bring four beautiful daughters into the world, writing and performing music, catching touchdown passes from quarterback Peyton Manning, and playing a Super Bowl Championship watched by ninety-three million people. But the game he has built his living on, the game he fell in love with as a child, is taking its toll in the most devastating way. After at least five concussions—and an untold number of micro-concussions—Ben is suffering from multiple traumatic brain injuries that have erased his important memories. Knowing that his wife and daughters could someday be beyond his reach and desperate for them to understand how much he loves them, he penned a secret letter for them to read one day after his essential self is gone. Counting the Days While My Mind Slips Away chronicles his remarkable journey from his early days throwing a football back and forth with his father in Minnesota to speaking about traumatic brain injury before Congress, and how his faith keeps him strong and grounded as he waits for a difficult future. Ben recounts the experiences that have shaped his life and imparts the lessons he’s learned along the way. Emotionally powerful, inspiring, and uplifting, Ben’s story will captivate and encourage you to make the most of every day and treasure all of your memories.

Audio CD

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Unabridged edition (August 23, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1508225141

ISBN-13: 978-1508225140

Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.7 x 5.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (12 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #584,516 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #57 in Books > Books on CD > Sports & Outdoors #458 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Sports & Outdoors > Football #478 in Books > Books on CD > Biographies & Memoirs

I heard about this book after listening to Ben on a radio show a few days ago. I had a little trepidation about reading this book because I suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, and my symptoms started to appear after traumatic brain injury when I was younger. But I remember drafting him in my fantasy football league and thought I would go for it. Seemed like fate. Many of the symptoms he suffers from rang true to me from my concussion and hemorrhage. And lying in bed rings close to home. The book is very honest, and even if you aren't a fan, which I am, it is a great read. And this is a very inspiring story, I am sure I will draw from it for strength as well. Ironically, after losing my job to symptoms I wrote a book too. Life gives you lemons.I wholeheartedly recommend this book, and appreciate the effort he makes.

Wonderful story for all even if not a football fan! The strength of character shared in this book should be an inspiration to us all.

Ben Utecht is a hero b/c he refused to give up on his life and his memories. God Bless him and his family!

Many of us have had a head injury, not just from football. Two of my daughters, on the same day, were hit in the head with a softball. The next day the coach had them out playing again against my wishes. I know now I should have taken them to the doctor and had them declared not able to play.

True story about the serious, very serious injury/memory loss due to excessive conclusions! Told in the first person, a moving emotional book! Based on what I read, I would never allow my children and grandchildren to play any game that may cause excessive concussions.

A heartfelt book written by a man of faith who loves his family. Ben Utecht was a TE for the Indianapolis Colts and the Cincinnati Bengals. He loved the game of football, even though the same beloved game left him with multiple concussions and a permanent deficit in cognitive functions. Although he expressed very low times, his faith in the Lord sustains him. A must read for football fans.

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