Audio CD
Publisher: Angel Bear Yoga; 1st edition (February 15, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0978906047
ISBN-13: 978-0978906047
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 4.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (7 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,444,752 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #158 in Books > Books on CD > Sports & Outdoors #3257 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Exercise & Fitness > Yoga #55566 in Books > Sports & Outdoors
The CD is best for extending the lessons from the Main Lesson Book or Card Deck. My three year old seems to imagine she's right there with Angel Bear and Sweet Pea, and she's very creative in answering questions about the stories.Although the Angel Bear Yoga program does not use traditional names for poses et cetera, it's theme of positive character traits really has young children interested. My daughter LOVES it, and she talks about all of the traits and poses she learns with everyone in the family. She likes to "define" them as well. I think it empowers her as well as fostering creativity, relaxation, and appreciation of nature.
I don't know why all the other reviews here seem to be for the card deck, not the CD. I posted my review of the cards with the cards.I think this CD has some great visualization exercises, but they're probably better for 6 year olds and up, unless you're a preschool teacher who is familiar with all the Angel Bear resources. I bought this for use at home with my three year old and her attention span isn't mature enough for this, and neither is her vocabulary advanced enough to understand words like "abundance," "compassion," "integrity," etc.
I found this a perfect compliment to the Angel Bear Yoga activity book. The deck of flash cards worked very well to review the concepts being taught and the poses representing them. Make a game of it. You are teaching your child complex concepts as part of your enjoyable bonding experience.
While the Angel Bear Yoga Pose a Day Play Deck is one of many excellent Angel Bear products, it's certainly one of my favorites. The cards are easy to use and easy to display, and with 60 cards in all, they will be enjoyed for a long time. Angel Bear is a wise and loving teacher who will lead your child and Sweet Pea on journeys of understanding. Angel Bear helps Sweet Pea learn to say nice words, to show courtesy, to see wholeness and many other character virtues. The collaboration of Christi Eley's award winning yoga program and Aries Cheung's whimsical artistry is brilliant. Cheung's dipiction of Angel Bear and Sweet Pea is certain to endear your children to these delightful characters.Suzanne M. Banks, MS Educational Media
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