Audio CD
Publisher: christianaudio; Unabridged edition (May 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1610451023
ISBN-13: 978-1610451024
Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.8 x 6.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (69 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,233,688 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #85 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Sexuality #1016 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #1159 in Books > Self-Help > Relationships > Conflict Management
This review first appeared on my blog, Jacob's Café.During my graduate program, I got to be involved in a research project exploring Muslim-Christian interfaith peacemaking. It included dialogue between evangelical Christians and Muslims from across the country to create a new peacemaking manual. My dissertation was a secondary study on this initial project, too, so I became very familiar with ideas of faith-based peacemaking.Since that time, I have been very interested in the few faith-based peacemaking programs in existence, particularly those that are of any good quality. Peacemaking Ministries has been one that I have been following for a few years that I have really liked. They offer a variety of paid and free resources, including a weekly email devotional.Ken Sande, the founder of Peacemaking Ministries, wrote Resolving Daily Conflict along with Kevin Johnson. This book provides some very strong peacemaking techniques that are well grounded in both the Bible and peacemaking theory.The thing that frustrated me in my peacemaking research is that many of the peacemaking suggestions were rather repetitive and separated from actual practice. Sande's work is augmented by his own peacemaking work, which makes it far more credible. However, being familiar with the peacemaking literature, the techniques are not that novel.There were two elements of this book that I really appreciated. The first was the broad definition of peacemaking. Rather than just looking at traditional violence, Sande and Johnson note how managing daily conflict is actually peacemaking,The more notable element coincided with one of the conclusions of my dissertation, that peacemaking activity needs to be rooted in the development of a peacemaking heart.
In Resolving Everyday Conflict, Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson offer very biblical and very practical counsel for helping believers deal with life's inevitable friction. Sande is well-known from his work with Peacemaker Ministries, and his skill is on display in this helpful little book.Positives Sande and Johnson make conflict resolution seem very simple. They helpfully call on readers to first focus on the glory of God and to repent of their own personal sin in the conflict before gently confronting others with the intent of restoration and reconciliation. In my own experience as a pastor, the first two major points, calling individuals to focus first on God's glory and to act first to repent of their own sin before accusing others, are life-savers when it comes to bringing conflicts to resolution. In the book, Sande also shares seven keys to an appropriate confession of sin. These seven principles, all beginning with the letter "A", are themselves worth the price of the book. Without giving away the list, I found the call to avoid words such as "if", "maybe", and "but" when making a confession to be vital.Negatives My only negative here is that I would happily have read more. Readers might find themselves disappointed that this book does not delve into issues of the deeper hurts of life. But, as the title suggests, this book is intended to help us resolve everyday conflicts, not the kinds of crushing hurts that some might want to solve. For help in healing deeper wounds, looking at a bigger and more thorough work will be necessary--though this book could certainly be a help too.
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