Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Free Press; 1 edition (February 19, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 074323538X
ISBN-13: 978-0743235389
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (162 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #20,644 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #56 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Human Resources & Personnel Management #103 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Decision Making #113 in Books > Self-Help > Creativity
Whale Done is another parable style (story telling) book that has (1) a singular theme, (2) is very easy to read and (3) is overpriced. If you buy this book you will find yourself delighted by the easy read and may think you have found a gem but most parables are simply overpriced information. Let me elaborate further.This book, like other parables, are a great read for the following reasons.* It is a quick read. I read it in about 2 - 3 hours and I am a fairly slow reader.* The book is able to illustrate one point extremely effectively. For example, in this book they show how we tend to associate negative or positive feelings to individuals or situations and it affects our quality of life due to the way that we interact with people.* These are the kinds of books that employees will read (great for training programs) as they are 100-200 pages in length and easy to read so a massive investment of time and energy isn't required by employees.The simple theme illustrated in this book is that both whales and people perform better when you accentuate the positive. It is tougher to actually implement such behavior but it can be done and it can have a substantial impact on your life if you learn the tools and key behaviors to look for and modify in your life. The problem with this parable is that they give the reader very few tools to work with and actual exercises to implement. As a result, it is difficult for 95% of the people who read this to actually integrate this into their lives for the long-term.Psychologists have been talking about this for decades in what they term "neurolinguistic programming." People are attracted to what they have positive experiences with and try to avoid painful or uncomfortable situations. Pain=bad, pleasure = good.
Whenever Ken Blanchard (one of my favorite authors) comesout with a new book, I usually rush to read it . . . so when Isaw that WHALE DONE! THE POWER OF POSITIVERELATIONSHIPS had just been released, I got hold ofa copy and devoured it in one sitting.You'll be able to do so, too, in that it is real short . . . butdon't be fooled into thinking that there's not a lot of "meat"contained in its 128 pages . . . Blanchard, along withcoauthors Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins and JimBallard, takes a simple tale and uses it to get youthinking about how both whales and people performbetter when you accentuate the positive . . . that informationmay sound basic, but it is far too often never used.The story revolves around a gruff manager who visitsSeaWorld and is impressed with how animal trainersof killer whales can get them to perform amazingacrobatic leaps and dives . . . he begins to see howthese same techniques could be applied to hisbusiness life, as well as his situation at home . . . inaddition, he learns the difference between "GOTcha"(catching people doing things wrong) and "WhaleDone!" (catching people doing things right).I particularly liked the many examples that were used,and the fact that these could be applied to countlesswork and home situations.There were many memorable passages; among them:"The point here is that progress--doing something better--isconstantly being noticed, acknowledged, and rewarded.We need to do the same thing with people--catch themdoing things better, if not exactly right, and praiseprogress. That way, you set them up for success andbuild from there.
I just finished Whale Done and I loved it. I've been a fan of Dr.Blanchard's books for years and feel this latest book really gets to the essence of what he's been teaching for years. One of the big take aways I had from the book was paying attention and noticing. I find myself at work and home either not noticing or keying in on the negative behavior that I don't want repeated. In talking with a member of my staff about this I learned how I need to focus much more of my attention on noticing and praising the positive. The issue was very emotional for this person and I was a much bigger deal than I ever would have imagined. Ken and his co-authors emphasize building relationships where people feel that you mean them no harm. If the majority of the feedback I'm providing my people is how they can do things differently, dare I say better, they can misinterpret my suggestions as catching them doing things wrong. I've been making a concetrated effort to catch my staff doing things right. I've been amazed at how my natural tendancy is to revert back to seeing the mistakes and not encouraging all the things being done right. The concept seems simple and yet I can't say enough about the change I've seen in the energy level in my department. I still need to redirect behavior from time to time but I'm looking for what is partially right and building off of that verus focusing valuable energy on what was wrong. This approach has been equally as impactful with my son and wife. I've been married for ten years now and admit that I've stopped noticing all the incredible qualities that caused me to fall in love with my wife to begin with. The qualities are still there I just stopped pointing them out like I did when I was courting her.
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