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Opposites: A Book Of Opposites (The Adventures Of Midge And Moo 6)
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Follow the everyday adventures of Midge and her beloved stuffed animal. Midge and Moo are best friends. Every day they spend together is full of opposites. Loud, quiet, sour, sweet.Up, down, messy, neat!If you and your little ones like bright, colorful illustrations and sweet, funny stories, you will love Midge and Moo."We love the Midge and Moo books!!! They are simple yet full of adventure, wonder, joy and love." - reviewer"This little book will make it fun to learn simple words for a beginning reader. Up and down, in and out, all nicely illustrated. This series would be interesting for little ones up to preschool level. Another one in the series of educational books." - reviewer"Walk through a day of opposites with Midge and her stuffed cow Moo as they explore words that are opposites. Watch them make loud music and read a quiet book. A wonderful beginning book to teach opposite words." - reviewerPart of the Adventures of Midge and Moo series.

File Size: 5175 KB

Print Length: 36 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Calamity Press Picture Books (March 20, 2016)

Publication Date: March 20, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #327,623 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Opposites #111 in Books > Children's Books > Early Learning > Basic Concepts > Opposites #643 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Poetry > Stories In Verse

I read this with my 4 year old who will ne going to school this year. I love how Kerry McQuaide wrote this as an educational illustration book. My boy learned a lot of opposites and I'm so glad he didn't have a hard time differentiating things because the author's pictures were clear and crisp. This is a must read for all toddlers and kids who want to learn more.

This little book will make it fun to learn simple words for a beginning reader. Up and down, in and out, all nicely illustrated. This series would be interesting for little ones up to preschool level. Another one in the series of educational books. Well done!

What a delightful children's story.Opposites, an adventure story about Midge and her beloved stuffed toy, Moo the cow.Spending time every day together, they are sometimes loud or quiet, next minute they can be sweet and neat, or laugh out loud or even cry, messy and then not so messy.Get the book and laugh and sing and cry with Midge and Moo.This is the second book I got from Kerry McQuaide for a review. As it was with the first, I loved it and it was pleasant to read and see the great and colourful pictures to the great writing.

This is another fun book by Kerry McQuaide about Midge and her best friend Moo. Moo is a toy that Midge treats as if it were alive, as many children do with their toys. But the two are opposites. Midge is noisy, while Moo is quiet. Midge is messy, but Moo is neat. There are many other opposites in this clever funny book, with fun drawings. Children will enjoy it and want to return to it often. It will prompt them to think of other opposites, and thinking, of course, is good.

This is a delightful book for very young children that teaches, in a simple manner, the concept of opposites. Children learn about heavy/light, day/night, open/closed, messy/neat, up/down and so forth. The illustrations are colorful and expressive. Each page has one word to demonstrate the concept. Midge has a full glass and is obviously delighted: FULL. She looks upset when her glass has been knocked over, and the glass is empty: EMPTY.If you have read any other books from the Midge and Moo series, you know that the little girl, Midge, and her black and white cow, Moo, are best friends. Moo learns about opposites, along with Midge.Little children will love this book. It will make them laugh, and they will learn about opposites, as well.I have reviewed several books in Kerry McQuaide' s Midge and Moo series, and I definitely recommend this latest Midge and Moo book.

"The Adventures of Midge and Moo: Opposites" is a wonderful book for very young readers. Parents and educators would be wise to choose this book for their kids. The pace is perfect, the vocabulary is well-chosen and the illustrations are spectacular.I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to teach kids about opposites.

Midge and Moo go together like peanut butter and jam, eggs and bacon and milk and cookies! They have been inseparable since Midge brought Moo home from the hospital when she was only two days old. They have wonderful adventures together and eagerly explore their world around them. Today's escapable is about finding opposites.As the two go about their day they are on a mission to sight opposites together. They manage to capture: loud, quiet, sour, sweet, up, down, messy, neat, full, empty, day and finally night just to name a few. Who knew there was so many opposite surprises tucked into an ordinary day? How fun to unmask them and make them your very own. Mission accompished!The delightful illustrations are crisp, colourful, and truly adorable giving a perfect visual to enrich each word. The simplicity of the book makes it spot on for ages 0-5 to enjoy again and again. This is the second book in the Midge and Moo series and another one is expected out this month. Keep them coming Kerry. I highly recommend the books and I know you will fall in love with the sweet, endearing little character, Midge, just like I did.

"They are a lot alike but everyday they spend together is full of opposites." Meet Midge, a young girl, and her toy cow Moo who have been together since birth. Lovely illustrations accompany the simple text.Midge is most things in this book showing how she can be both loud and quiet, messy and clean etc. All the while, Moo is with her as her faithful and ever present companion.Opening up automatically in landscape mode, the Kindle version of this book is easily readable even on my Kindle Paperwhite. Written for younger children, introducing the concepts with pictorial examples of simple opposites. IMPORTANT to note that this is NOT a story book like some of the others in the Midge and Moo series. Book provided in exchange for an honest review. Thanks, Liz

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