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Outsourced Freelancing Success: Start A Successful Freelancing Business And Make Your First Dollar Online! (OFS Guide Series Book 1)
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Have YOU had enough of your boss telling you what to do? Are you sick and tired of having conversations with your boss about career progression, only to be told that "you're so great at your job, and you make my life easier, lets chat again in 6 months time." Um, lets not!It might be time to take a step back and think about your options. Really THINK about what YOU want out of life and what you can do to stop this same scenario from happening again and again...It's time to look at doing something for YOU!Freelancing is a viable business model that thousands of employees are turning to, recapturing their time and their life and pursuing work that they love. Isn't it time YOU did the same?Wouldn't it be great to wake up in the morning, at a time you've chosen, and actually be EXCITED about getting out of bed? That's what being a freelancer offers you.In this hands-on and step-by-step guide, Lise Cartwright explains how YOU can earn what you're worth and do what you love doing... WITHOUT having to align yourself with another company and corporate job again! By using examples from her own personal experiences of running multiple freelancing businesses, Lise shows you how to start your freelancing business and make YOUR first dollar online!In This How-To Guide, You'll Be Given:- Step-by-Step Instructions to help you quickly achieve and implement your freelancing business- Action Checklists that will provide you with a quick re-cap on each step and show you EXACTLY what you need to do in order to get started within the next 30 days - A Resources List of checklists, training sites, further learning links as well as bonus material to get your freelancing business up and running fast! The OFS Guides are written for the new freelancer by someone who has not only talked the talk, but walked the walk. This first guide in the series will teach and show you how to pick your freelancing skill set, get started in your business and how to make that ever important first $1 online! All within the next 30 days! Don’t let your fear of uncertainty and 'comfiness' that a day job seemingly provides, stop you from having the life that you want through doing the things that you love ... Take action, follow the books' steps, and you could be basking in the knowledge that you have your own time again, enjoying money that YOU'VE earned and starting a lifestyle fit for a Queen (or King!).The OFS Guide Series of Books- Book 1: Start a Successful Freelancing Business and Make Your First $1 Online!- Book 2: How to Set Freelancing Rates and Get Paid What You’re Worth!- Book 3: How to Protect Your Freelancing Business With Client Contracts That Work!- Book 4: How to Setup and Structure Your Freelancing Business the Right Way- Book 5: Top 57 Freelancing Job Sites for Finding High Paying and Quality Clients Fast!- Book 6: 101+ Tools, Apps & Programs to Help You Run a Successful Freelancing Business- Book 7: 18 Ways to Grow Your Freelancing Business in 30 Days or Less

File Size: 2291 KB

Print Length: 136 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Vixen Ink; 2 edition (January 14, 2015)

Publication Date: January 14, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #845,678 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #75 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Outsourcing #115 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Outsourcing #534 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Higher & Continuing Education > Adult & Continuing Education

101+ Tools & Apps to Run a Successful Freelancing BusinessThe Gold Mine For Your Successful Internet Business. Although the title seems to suggest this is only for freelancing this author opens the door to a wealth of tools for any internet business.Time management is the basic truth for running any successful business. The answers to any of your business problems are all on the internet. Many programs are free and some for a few bucks. And that is the trap. There are so many different programs for any one problem, how do you know which is a wise decision? Also many are just plan junk designed for selling not using. There are some programs that are great but will take you months figuring out how to use them. But you go back into the time trap again. For each specific problem you will spend hours trying to find programs and then more hours testing what you find.This author is your time cruncher, she has done all the hard work for you. By testing and using these program herself she uncovers the gold. All you have to do is go into her mine and pick up the gold. At the front of her gold mine are her Ten Top Tools. These are the solution programs she uses daily. If you just stopped here and started using these nuggets you will save months of tome and money.She then creates her 101+ Tools, Apps & Software Programs. Here she has over a dozen different categorizes (problem areas) with eight or nine software programs to provide the solutions. She offers the pros and cons for each helping you decide which fits your needs. The great part she has chosen programs that will work on PC, Mac, tablets or smart phones.Make running your business easier. Get this book and reap the gold.Recommended!

I'm quickly becoming a Lise Cartwright fan girl! I've bought all of her books and each one is better than the last. I have learned so much from her about building a business that it has really helped my own growth. Now I have my own side hustle in full swing, and have begun to outsource some of my work. I feel very confident that 2015 is the year my business is going to take off, with the help of Lise!

Another great book from Lise Cartwright! She helps us learn from her mistakes while encouraging each of us to step out there and take a chance on ourselves. I am a huge fan of Lise Cartwright, finding her books, including this one, just what I needed to help me start not only writing but freelancing to earn extra money. Love it, Lise!!

This book started out a little slow. At first I thought it was just going to be a bunch of general info I'd already known before. But as I continued to read I soon discovered the meat of this little gem. Lise spells out exactly what to do, including actionable steps to take, to get started with an online freelancing business. The beauty of this little book is that it applies to a wide range of skills, and in a small investment of your time (this is a quick read!) Lise will step you through the process of turning your skills into a profitable online business. You will soon find this isn't just a book to read and move on, but one to hang on to as a reference because of its lists of resources and actions to take.

This is very a comprehensive blueprint. Lise lays out a step-by-step process, from Soup to Nuts! The "soup" is evaluating your current skill set and getting the required skills you may be lacking BEFORE you start. Then she walks you through how to get your first few clients and gives you the "nuts" which is how to grow your business so you can increase your rates and quit that day job. And to add to her credibility -- she's actually done it, from scratch. She shares her journey to help you avoid some of the pitfalls there can be when you are just getting started. There's a lot of meat here (tools, templates, resources, links and ACTION plans in each section), but Lise lays it out in a way that in easy to follow, digest and implement so you can become a successful freelancer. Let's do this!

I chose this book because it was priced so reasonably, and promised to provide very relevant information for my needs. Lise delivered! Every chapter had an actionable item that I could apply, and save myself a lot of trial and error. Thank you, Lise!

I've worked with Lise before, so i know without a doubt she's an expert at getting your first freelance clients online. She's consistently been someone I've modeled in order to land high-dollar clients and even getting started 2 years ago.That being said, she lays out all of her secrets that took her 3+ years to learn (the hard way) . Not to mention that she charges a pretty penny for private coaching and consulting - this book is a steal, as you're basically getting to pick her brain via this book.I enjoyed it and bought a few copies for friends that are getting started with digital freelance businesses.

I have read several of Lise's ebooks over the last couple of months, and I am never disappointed!This book is easy to read, informative and like taking an insider's look into the freelance world. I have been working as a freelancer for several months and done plenty of research, but always feel like I am learning some new "tricks of the trade" when I read any of Lise's work.If you are even considering work as a freelancer, I highly recommend that you read this book!

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