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The From Anger To Intimacy: How Forgiveness Can Transform A Marriage
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Smalley and Cunningham explore this often maligned and God-given emotion known as anger, and explain five specific tactics to deal with anger and rage and replace those feelings with forgiveness. Did you know that spiritual, emotional, physical and relational exhaustion lead to, ANGER? And unresolved anger leads to sin. All couples deal with anger and how they respond (stuff it, spew it or study it), can make all the difference in their relationship and in their lives. Gary Smalley and Ted Cunningham explore this often maligned and God-given emotion that unless dealt with can strip us of everything we love. Now couples can learn the skills to: resolve conflict, hurt and pain in a healthy way, master their internal buttons so as to overcome feelings of anger, frustration and rage, use five specific tactics to deal with anger and rage when they rear their ugly heads, walk in the freedom God intends by learning the three essentials of forgiveness and five keys to nurturing a forgiving spirit, craft the perfect apology, remove the roadblocks to forgiveness once and for all, break sexual addiction and heal after an affair, and find answers to big questions about anger and forgiveness in their marriage.

Audio CD

Publisher: christianaudio Seed; Unabridged edition (December 1, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1596446668

ISBN-13: 978-1596446663

Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.8 x 6 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (33 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,525,578 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #117 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Sexuality #1322 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #2079 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Dating & Relationships

If you are familiar with Gary Smalley's early works, as I was, you may be disappointed. Smalley's contribution to this work is good; however, the majority of the book is penned by Ted Cunnigham. If you are a person dealing with anger and especially dislike people who talk about themselves in a less than humble manner, this is not your book. Cunningham falls all over himself throughout the book trying to show what great buds he and Gary Smalley are. At the outset of the book, Cunningham tells a story about an early life experience, halfway admitting that he was at one time a self-consumed egoist who reveled in his own accomplishments - which is why 40% of his church wanted to demote him. By the time I finished this book, my conclusion was that. . . Ted Cunningham is a self-consumed egoist reveling in his own accomplishments. The Lord's blessings upon Ted, but I don't know that his contribution is effective. This book is a collection of stories strung together by Cunningham in a manner in which he attempts to be cute and witty while glorying in all he's experienced and accomplished. I'm thinking, "OK Ted, we get it. You've done so many cool things in your life, now where does this fit into ministering to people whose lives are ravaged by anger?" By the time you get to the Hawaii wave story, you're asking yourself, "what credentials does this guy have to make him an expert on anger?" His stories are cute and witty, yet their connection to his thesis is paper thin, to the point that you lose the purpose of his message amidst the flair, pomp and parade of the backdrop. If you're having a camp out and need someone to fill the time telling stories, this is your guy, believe me. There are brief glimmers of hope throughout the book.

Dr. Gary Smalley, best selling author and the founder and president of the Smalley Relationship Center, suggests that you have three options when anger rears its head:1) Stuff it2) Spew it3) Study itDr. Smalley co-authors his latest book with Pastor Ted Cunningham as they combine their years of experience in counseling to help teach readers the skills of conflict resolution. They each share some very personal experiences with anger and I appreciated their honesty in revealing various conflicts and how they overcame them.Though the book was written with married couples in mind, I found it interesting (and helpful) that most of the communication skills they teach, are applicable in all areas of life.One good example of this is learning to recognize and identify your personal "buttons". Once you've pin pointed your "hot button" areas, they share two main questions that you should ask when confronted with the temptation to get angry:Question 1: What am I angry about?Question 2: What am I going to do with my anger?Using their approach of working through anger and frustration, you can apply this to not only your marriage, but friendships, family relationships and struggles with co-workers. This book offers a quiz to help you identify how you typically handle your anger, as well as a "forgiveness inventory" in which you find out how quick (or slow) you are to forgive.The questions throughout the book offer some good starters for self examination, and for those who truly want to change, the book offers suggestions on how to start making headway.One of my favorite chapters was the last one, Chapter 12, entitled "Answers to the Biggies".

Unresolved anger --- many couples would agree that, despite the outward reasons for their problems, anger that has built up over weeks, months, years or even decades is at the heart of the trouble in their marriage. In FROM ANGER TO INTIMACY, bestselling author Gary Smalley, president of the Smalley Relationship Center, and Ted Cunningham, a speaker with Smalley's organization, offer the tools couples need to overcome the situations that created the problems, deal with the anger, and move on to a relationship characterized by genuine love and forgiveness.This excellent resource for all couples begins with establishing the foundation for understanding anger. "Anger in and of itself is not a bad thing," the authors write. "Anger is an emotion designed by and given to you by God, but it's what you do with that anger that can negatively affect your spiritual, mental and emotional health." They describe anger as a secondary emotion that follows such initial responses as feeling betrayed, disrespected, belittled and so forth. If left unresolved, the anger that results will in turn result in sin in some form.The authors then guide readers through the process of resolving anger; you can stuff it, spew it or study it, they write, but only by studying it can you gain mastery over it. Next they discuss recognizing your own cycle of anger and learning how to break out of it, as well as discovering what your personal hot buttons are.From there, Smalley and Cunningham offer specific strategies for handling anger the moment it erupts. "If you look at the conflict in our world, you'll realize that it's impossible to live in peace with everyone," they maintain. "But it is possible to make every effort to live at peace.

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