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Gentle Warrior
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In feudal England, Elizabeth Montwright barely escaped the massacre that destroyed her family and exiled her from her ancestral castle. Bent on revenge, she rode again through the fortress gates, disguised as a seek aid from Geoffrey Berkley, the powerful baron who had routed the murderers. He heard her pleas, resisted her demands, and vowed to seduce his beautiful subject. Yet as Elizabeth fought the warrior's caresses, love flamed for this gallant man who must soon champion her cause...and capture her spirited heart!

Audio CD

Publisher: Brilliance Audio; Abridged edition (March 27, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1441812180

ISBN-13: 978-1441812186

Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 5.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (206 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #789,151 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( G ) > Garwood, Julie #527 in Books > Books on CD > Romance #1274 in Books > Books on CD > Mystery & Thrillers

Ok, so I have been reading books lately that have not really sucked but have not been that good. So I decided to re-read Julie Garwood's historicals. It had been over 2 years since I had read them and OH MY GOODNESS. I had forgotten just how good they were. I mean, I knew that she was the best historical writer ever, in my opinion, but this book was so good.The story starts a few weeks after Elizabeth's family was killed. Elizabeth and her younger brother saw their mother and sisters killed but escaped with the help of a couple servants. Elizabeth knows that her uncle had something to do with it and she will get her revenge, but she did not plan on Geoffrey Berkley, Baron of Montwright, to mess everything up. He hears about the massacre and goes to correct the problem. In the battle Geoffrey is hit on the head and becomes sick. Elizabeth's loyal servant tells her that Geoffrey's men have Thomas and that Geoffrey is sick and that for her to get her brother she must pretend to be a healer and help Geoffrey. So she goes and helps Geoffrey get better but leaves when he is shows signs of getting better. She and her servant planed for him to take Thomas and meet some where before she left. Geoffrey is not happy about that and decides he is going to marry her. They marry and they fight a lot because they are both very strong in their beliefs.Geoffrey did not grow up with his parents, he has no idea what love looks or feels like. Elizabeth grew up in a loving home and saw how love worked and felt. Elizabeth and Geoffrey cracked me up! This story is so sweet. Geoffrey gets so mad at her but then thinks about it and then decides he kinda likes the way she is.

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