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The World's Best Tax Havens: How To Cut Your Taxes To Zero And Safeguard Your Financial Freedom (Taxcafe.Co.UK Tax Guides)
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This book provides a fascinating insight into the glamorous world of tax havens. It includes all the latest tax changes. The first half contains indispensable information about the 25 best tax havens in the world, from the exotic Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and Monaco to less well-known ones like Cyprus, Malta and Panama. Discover how you can live the tax-free life, invest in highly profitable tax haven real estate or run a successful business out of one. The second half of the book explores how big companies and the rich use tax havens and how you too could enjoy all the benefits. You'll find out how to go about setting up offshore companies, trusts and foundations and how these useful structures can help you lower your taxes and protect your assets from the outside world.

Series: Taxcafe.Co.UK Tax Guides

Paperback: 242 pages

Publisher: Taxcafe UK Ltd; 8 edition (May 2, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1907302395

ISBN-13: 978-1907302398

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,243,920 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #73 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > International #76 in Books > Law > Tax Law > International #492 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > Personal

If you are a U.S. citizen trying to contend with confiscatory U.S. tax laws that dog you and your income around the world, this book has little to offer because it is written by a Briton primarily for Britons. At more than $40 in trade-back it is also very expensive. At best, it will provide a brief overview of tax havens [naturally he's best on the British territories] but his examples and information have almost no relevance to Americans. If you're a Yank, skip it.

This is an excellent guide on the subject. However, you have to take into consideration that it was written by a British Author thinking that all his readers would also be British. So you have to keep that in mind, specially if you are American, since the rules for American citizens are completely different (American Citizes must pay taxes of their worldwide income in the U.S. even if they don't live in the U.S. and the money was earned overseas).Also, you will have to do your homework, and see if the ideas the author suggests is applicable to your case. It is imperative to consult a tax attorney in your country of citizenship and country of residence to see how you can apply the ideas exposed in this book.

You wont be an expert ever. But, this thing is insightful. If you are sick of taxes (like many small businesses), this is for you. It takes all you have to grow and change, and even thats not enough. This book gives you great ideas on how to limit liability and extinguish as much tax as you can. Its a good bet. Its written from a UK point of view but gives you insight to each country that offers tax incentives for you to do business there. I hope this author will write one from an American point of view.

This obviously is pretty useless--especially for Americans--as it describes a pre-FATCA world.Also, pretty ironic that Lee Hadnum has essentially written a how-to manual for what is, allegedly, breaking the law.

this book is very up to date with lots of details from each country. It was written very well, I enjoyed it

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