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What Was D-Day? (What Was...?)
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In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, an armada of 7,000 ships carrying 160,000 Allied troops stormed the beaches of Nazi-occupied France. Up until then the Allied forces had suffered serious defeats, yet D -Day, as the invasion was called, spelled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. Readers will dive into the heart of the action and discover how it was planned and carried out and how it overwhelmed the Germans who had been tricked into thinking the attack would take place elsewhere. D-Day was a major turning point in World War II and hailed as one of the greatest military attacks of all time.

File Size: 73209 KB

Print Length: 114 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0448484072

Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap; Dgs edition (April 21, 2015)

Publication Date: April 21, 2015

Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #46,724 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > United States > 1900s #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > Military & Wars #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > Europe

My students are in a 5th and 6th grade gifted class and all really enjoy the entire series of "Who Was?" "Who Is?" and "What Was?" books for their AR (Accelerated Reader) goals. These series are all classified as nonfiction, with book level from 4.5-6.0 and they are worth 1 point.I was glad to find this book because none of my students were even alive for 9/11, and their knowledge of anything beyond 2000 is almost nonexistent. World War II is fascinating and the event that truly united the country and propelled our economy to be what it was today. Oh, and we defeated the Nazis as a bonus.

I chose to read this book to my children on our way to Normandy France on the 71st anniversary of D-Day. My intent was to give my children (ranging from ages 5-11) a clear and yet "PG" rated picture of just what happened 71 years ago on this day. This book gives enough detail starting with background information of what led the United States to join the fight of WWII and ends with the specifics of what happened on D-Day, focusing mostly on Omaha Beach. The book ends with a few details of how the war ended complete with a photo montage of soldiers, paratroopers, and other scenes from WWII.

Great educational series of books. Very fun for my nine year old. He mostly reads fiction but these books are easy to read and understand. This books covers the basics of D Day so that a young reader can stay engaged. My son usually finishes these books in a day or two.

I strongly believe that our children need to know our history and this type of book and especially this book is an excellent way to begin. It is understandable and easy to read - or be read to. Reluctant readers might not moan and groan if assigned this book to read and I think they might get 'hooked' on the subject. I hope so. I like this book. I learned from it and I definitely would want this type of book in a school collection.

This set of easy chapter books are perfect for third-fourth grade reluctant readers. Well written, motivating and fun to read. I especially like this one about D-Day and I learned some things I did not know about this day in history.

I gave this book to my 7 yr old grandson I told him about my father who participated in the invasion on June 6He has read the book several times and took it and a photo of his great grandfather to school. Mercifully, every one was interested. This is a great series

Excellent! This text is an easy, engaging read for students (and teachers). I am amazed at how well the author took the topic of WWII and D-Day, and condensed it in such a concise, easy-to-read manner. The author carefully defined tricky vocabulary with explicit textual clues - perfect for struggling readers. While the book focuses on D-Day, it provides a great WWII foundation.

I like this book because it talks about not only D-day but also World War II. It is interesting how they not only give a overall review of WWII but also they talk about the weapons that they used at D-Day.

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