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EBay: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Beginners Guide To Sell On EBay And Build A Successful Business Empire From Scratch (eBay, EBay Selling, EBay Business, Dropshipping, EBay Buying, Online Business)
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Discover The Ultimate Step-By-Step Beginners Guide to Sell on eBay and Build a Successful Business Empire From Scratch and Live The Life Of Your Dreams Today!Back in the late 90s, at the beginning of the dot com bubble, a man named Pierre Omidyar founded an online platform called AuctionWeb. Back then it was kind of an online fair for collectors who bought and sold various items online via bidding and auction. But within a decade, ActionWeb transformed itself, rebranded as eBay and become the Giant multi-billion dollar e-commerce site where literally anyone, from 20-year-old college kid to 40-year-old mums can sell any kinds of goods online. eBay soon became THE platform for professional online retailers worldwide spanning its operations in more than 30 countries. For the past two decades, millions of people are using eBay to earn some extra cash or to sell unused items which could be useful to others who are looking for it. There are people whose first introduction to eBay happened when they were clearing their room and found old vinyl LP records and when they used eBay to sell them, they found out it was worth more than $500! You would be amazed to know that how much an old He-man action figure is worth on eBay, or those Pokémon cards that you once used to collect but totally forgot about it. Some vintage collectors’ items are worth $1000-$20000 now and if you own such rare items, thousands of dollars are just few mouse clicks away! But all of these are just the tip of a huge iceberg. This is what people do when they want to sell second-hand items online. But eBay can offer more than that. It is a platform to build your own empire of successful e-commerce. When huge internet enthusiast Pierre had the idea of eBay (the known myth is that his wife influenced him to come up with this), his goal was to fill the gap in the market, a gap between potential buyers and seller. He wanted to build a network so that both parties can communicate to each other freely and easily without any third party in between. So he built eBay (AuctionWeb) as a level playing field where similar minded people could come and share their interests and exchange products with cash. By the time Pierre came up with eBay, he was already a successful millionaire who sold his business to Microsoft and yet to have his 30th birthday! So if you are confident and passionate enough, you can also become a successful entrepreneur, a trusted online retailer whose annual earning is a six figure digit (why not seven?). This book will guide you through a step by step process on the methods of selling, from basics to pro. You will learn secrets from already established sellers, tips, and tricks for successful selling and much more which will help you to become a super-seller in the eBay universe. Here Is The Overview Of The Lessons You Will LearnWhat is eBayHow to Get Ready to SellWhat To Do Before SellingSome Tips and StrategiesFew Insights and SecretsHow to Stay Safe from ScamsAnd Much More...Take charge and build that business you always wanted to build!

File Size: 607 KB

Print Length: 60 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: August 17, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #118,789 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Taxation > Small Business #30 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > Small Business #31 in Books > Computers & Technology > Internet & Social Media > eBay

The author of the book has collected and presented some nice ebay tips. Using them, every beginner should be able to make the first steps in this marketplace. The further you will go, it's more likely you will have more and more questions, which are not answered in this book. But for the beginner, this guide will be extremely valuable. It has not answered all questions I have had, because ebay market has got so many features inside... But I guess this is due to that I already have some experience working with ebay. And nevertheless, some of the tips were new to me.

Great info. I started selling on ebay about a month ago, and really need to optimize my sales. This is exactly the kind of book I need. Some things I have already done that are explained in the book, but there is also a lot of useful info such as selling the right kind of products. Love this kind of insider info. If you're serious about selling on ebay, this book is worth reading.

This was a great step by step guide to eBay. I am a beginner when it comes to selling online, but this book was extremely helpful. It gives a good background of what eBay is, as well as letting the reader know how to prepare to sell and then how to go on and actually make money on eBay. I'm just starting out, but this book has been a great help and hopefully I can start making some money.

This is a very complete and useful guide to start selling on ebay. The book goes through every step of the proces, from setting your eBay account to selling and marketing your product. You will find a lot of advices about every single step that will help you to succeed on your eBay business. If you are looking to start selling on eBay, you must read this book!

Ebay is one of the worlds largest shopping website aside form and I also like shopping in ebay. I have never tried selling something on ebay and I guess a lot of people earn money from it. The book gave good discussions on how to start selling on ebay and achieve your desired success.

This book delivered just what I wanted when I bought it. I wanted an introduction to the eBay business and on how to start selling stuff and I got just what I wanted. Great book that I would recommend to anyone

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