Series: Assimil Method Books
Audio CD: 591 pages
Publisher: Assimil Gmbh; Pap/Com edition (May 20, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 2700520130
ISBN-13: 978-2700520132
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 7 x 2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (60 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #126,340 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #6 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > French #31 in Books > Books on CD > Reference #97 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction
I used Assimil New French with Ease (with CDs) in preparation for a trip to France two years ago, after going through three months of Pimsleur lessons (that taught me very little, although it sharpened my accent). It took me about 5 months to get through about 90 of the lessons, studying about 30-45 minutes a day. I followed the book's instructions closely: listening to each lesson multiple times, doing a passive wave before the active wave, and reviewing lessons many times to let the information sink in. What I didn't do was drill any grammar, make any flash cards, explicitly write down or study any vocabulary, do any exercises other than the fill-in-the-blanks in the book, or expressly try to memorize anything.Although I didn't finish the book before my trip, I was able to:(1) Enroll in a language school at their highest level class (B2, representing approximately 2 years of study);(2) Have long, spontaneous conversations in French with a friend of a friend, who lived in Paris, about everything from our jobs to current events to favorite hobbies and food;(3) Make and change hotel and restaurant reservations in French;(4) Read newspapers and Inspector Maigret mystery novels in French, with a dictionary; and(5) Engage in meaningful exchanges with locals, who seemed genuinely surprised that I had never previously taken a French class and had learned most of my French through self-study.The magic of Assimil is that it teaches you lots of words and useful, common sentence patterns and structures, while engaging your interest. The first few lessons start off painfully slow, but within a few weeks, you're already delving into fascinating narratives, past tense and subjunctive, and lots and lots of vocabulary -- without even realizing it.
If you turn to Dixième Leçon (Chapter 10) on page trente-sept (37), you will find this part of the following story:Monsieur Duclos rentre chez lui à sept heures tous les soirs. D'habitude, il achète quelque chose à manger au supermarché et il monte à son appartement. D'abord, il met le répondeur téléphonique parce qu'il n'aime pas être dérangé. Puis il dîne, met les assiettes dans le lave-vaisselle et allume la télévision. Il regarde les informations et quelquefois un film. D'habitude, il se couche avant minuit.An English translation is written on the complimenting page. A pronunciation guide is given to help the English-speaker, along with notes on all aspects of the French story/dialogue, from grammar and new vocabulary to cultural information and fun tidbits. There are then five sentences labeled as "exercises" and about five sentences meant for "filling in the blanks". That's a pretty good summary of how every lesson works, usually focusing around a dialogue or story that has some "silly" and/or "ironic" humor within, plus a pleasant cartoon drawing illustrating a phrase from the lesson.The CDs are professionally recorded and are acted out in a slow-to-natural manner. The recordings are vital for the student!!! I believe there are only two to three speakers on the CDs; I wish more had been hired because some of the dialogues seem to have only one lady doing two parts. Otherwise, the recordings are excellent.I rated this book a "four" although back when I purchased it I probably would have a "five". The volume of information and usage available in the book is very rewarding and full.
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