Series: Michel Thomas
Audio CD
Publisher: Hodder Education Publishers; Unabridged edition (February 7, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1444133020
ISBN-13: 978-1444133028
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 2.7 x 6.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (38 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #835,228 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #46 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > French #700 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > French #6371 in Books > Reference > Dictionaries & Thesauruses > Foreign Language Dictionaries & Thesauruses
I`m from Canada and I studied French for 7 years in public school, but couldn`t speak French at all. Like most kids in Western Canada, I passed the French tests but never gained any real ability - and over the last 15 or so years I forgot most of what I knew.After completing the Total French - even half of the total French course, I could use more French than I ever could in high school. After 7 years of public school French, I still didn`t know how to pronounce French words when I saw them written. But after a couple hours with Michel Thomas, I knew all the main sounds and their correlations to their spellings and now felt confident to read French aloud with mostly correct pronunciation. And I could actually make well-constructed sentences in French.MT uses a really natural way of building up vocabulary and structures of the language, so that everything structurally relates to what you learned previously. This allows you to increase the speed of learning and keep piling on more and more structures and vocabulary even before you`ve fully mastered the earlier ones. Because of the new structures reinforce the previously learned ones while expanding them, you don`t need to spend as much time on each structure individually. So you learn to create relatively advanced sentences quite quickly. It`s a bit of an intense learning method, and I never feel like you can handle the new structures (so MT often steps in to help), but constantly having your comfort zone expanded like that gives you greater confidence with the simpler structures. MT will ask you to make these long 3 clauses sentences, but after you fight through those then a simpler 1 or 2 clause sentence will seem well within your ability.
Michel Thomas is a personal hero of mine. If you've never heard of him, I recommend reading up on his extraordinary life. In brief, he was fluent in around 11 languages, survived Nazi persecution in Germany, served in the French and American armies, and much more. He was an expert communicator and was often known to be able to extract sensitive information from individuals without resorting to violence. He was really quite a remarkable man and there are many interesting stories and accounts on his life that make for terrific reading.Later on in his life, Michel became fascinated with the human learning process (with which I am also fascinated). He devoted his life to developing and perfecting his unique language learning method. If you've never tried it, the method is unlike anything you've ever experienced. From the first few moments, Michel gets you relaxed and tells you not to worry about remembering anything. He then starts introducing words and phrases to you bit by bit, and before you know it you are constructing lengthy sentences in your target language.I found that I was completely absorbed in learning with Michel. I couldn't put the course down. I was captivated. It's like having a brilliant tutor who knows the language inside and out giving you private lessons. And each time he introduces a concept to you, he immediately lets you put it to use by having you use it in a sentence. Each concept introduced builds upon what you have learned previously. You feel a constant sense of progression and excitement. It's an immense form of pleasure that awakens your natural learning process. Before you know it, you are confident in your speaking ability and you are able to express yourself in another language. It's truly a fascinating and mesmerizing experience.
Wow! What a fabulous course! I have tried several other texts and programs but this is by far the best and most effective. It provides the basics of French language and the nuances of pronunciation and some idiomatic expressions. It builds knowledge progressively, with new concepts reinforcing earlier concepts. Michel Thomas uses two students who mumble and fumble through some of his exercises - particularly the woman who was quite frustrating and annoying. Previous reviewers have commented on this but it is, in fact, a very clever teaching tool. Michel Thomas asks: "How do you say ...(sentence)" and you find yourself yelling the answer at the woman as she fumbles with the answer, thereby reinforcing your own knowledge. It was amazing how quickly what appear to be complex sentences come together. For example, after only one hour of listening (no texts) you are able to say: "What impression do you have of the political and economical situation in France at present?"This is a foundation course for serious French language learners - it is not for basic tourist expressions. It teaches grammar and sentence construction but does not go into some basics such as food, weather, restaurants, travel etc. It covers the present, and basic past and future tenses of verbs, sufficient to make yourself understood. While the CD course comes with a small booklet of transcripts, and additional CDs on vocabulary development, you will need to use a good text book after completing this course. But complete this foundation course first, and preferably his second recorded course (Perfect French) which delves into more complex expressions and verb usage; the text book will then make everything fall into place and add vocabulary.
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