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Non-Resident & Offshore Tax Planning 2014/2015: How To Cut Your Tax To Zero
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"An authoritative review of the topic" - The Times"A useful read" - Guardian Unlimited"A helpful guide to non-resident and offshore tax matters" - The TelegraphNew March 2014 Edition - fully updated for the latest 2014/2015 changes including: The proposed changes to the CGT regime for non residents from April 2015Latest changes to the statutory residence test for 2014Recent decisions on residenceChanges to Inheritance tax for non domsChanges announced in the March 2014 BudgetLeaving the UK and becoming non UK resident offers many tax planning benefits.Non UK domiciliaries can also structure their affairs to avoid UK tax.This tax book is essential reading for:Anyone considering moving abroad to avoid income tax or CGTAnyone planning to work overseasAnyone returning to the UK after a period of non-residenceNon UK domiciliaires planning to live in the UK tax efficientlyWhat is Included in this book?Subjects covered include:Full and comprehensive explanation of how to establish non-domicile and non-residence.March 2014 Budget changes.How becoming non-resident could save you a fortune in tax.How the statutory residence test applies from April 2013.Detailed analysis of relevant cases on non residence.Exactly how to make a distinct break with UK to avoid UK residence.How to take advantage of loopholes in the Statutory Residence provisions.How HMRC keeps a track on UK visits with new technology.Whether you should or shouldn't be claiming the personal allowance after you leave the UK.How to make capital & income distributions from offshore trusts tax efficiently.Exactly how to establish company residence overseas.Detailed explanations of how to avoid UK tax on your income from rents, dividends, pensions and employment.How you could completely escape capital gains tax both in the UK and abroad.Pitfalls to negotiate when avoiding UK capital gains tax.How to protect property investments from the taxman.Tax implications of selling your UK home after you leave the UK.The latest non-dom tax changes for 2013.How to lose a UK domicile and how to retain an overseas domicile.How to avoid inheritance tax by losing your UK domicile.How to use your spouse to slash your tax bill.How the changes to the remittance basis will affect non UK domiciliaries AND the opportunities you still have to reduce UK taxes.How the £30,000 and £50,000 annual tax charge for non UK domiciliaries works.How to remit income and capital gains free of UK tax.How the new CGT regime for non-residents from April 2014 may apply.What you need to know about the new Business Investment Exemption.How foreign nationals can escape UK taxes altogether.Dedicated areas of advice for investors in overseas property.Changes to the treatment of loans for non-doms.How you could claim tax free lump sums whilst working abroad.How Double Tax Relief works and how to make the most of it.How to avoid tax everywhere by becoming a "Tax Nomad".Tax advantages and disadvantages of offshore trusts and companies.Detailed analysis of the 2013 changes to the tax treatment of offshore companies.A detailed look at when you can and can't use offshore companies and trusts to reduce UK taxes.How overseas investors should invest in UK property.How non UK domiciliaries can use excluded property trusts tax efficiently in 2014/2015.How to save tax with double tax treaties.and much more..

File Size: 646 KB

Print Length: 309 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1497381568

Publication Date: March 19, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #1,393,076 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #43 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Taxation > International #94 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > International #97 in Books > Law > Tax Law > International

REVISED REVIEW: Lee Hadnum comes to this assignment of providing information on guarding our assets with fine credentials. He is a Law graduate, Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser and has a strong depth of experience in tax and asset protection strategies. He has published many books here on and I have read and reviewed several - they are all excellent.Lee Haddam has assembled this book about saving money on taxes in that area of expertise most of us think is the purview of only the very wealthy. Tax havens are real and though the twenty five `world's best tax havens' are described in detail and the variations in the laws as far as residency requirements and banking practices of each may vary, the fundamentals are here for our edification. In many respects the ultimate way to slash your tax bill is by becoming a non-resident or moving your assets offshore it is possible to cut your tax bill to zero. However, there are also many traps and dangers for the unwary. This guide will arm you with the facts needed to avoid these pitfalls and, most importantly, save tax! This guide contains all the very latest tax changes.In this intensively organized yet very easy to read book, NON-RESIDENT AND OFFSHORE TAX PLANING 2014 -2015, Hadnum gratefully takes the reader by the hand and steadies us to the realities of the world economy today. In his introduction he lays out his purpose: `This guide is designed to help those living or working abroad pay less tax on their UK income and investments. It also contains important information for those who live in the UK but wish to use the offshore tax rules to shelter their income and gains from the taxman. This is an important and sophisticated area of tax planning.

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