File Size: 40668 KB
Print Length: 112 pages
Publisher: Walter Foster Jr. (August 15, 2015)
Publication Date: August 15, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B01430LQ64
Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #789,293 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #40 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Hobbies & Games > Games & Activities #124 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > Prehistoric #133 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Teen & Young Adult > Education & Reference > Science & Technology > Science & Nature
Dinosaurs! My kids love them. I love them. My dog loves them (chews up the kid's Dino toys). This book is a virtual time machine to the amazing Cretaceous era. The illustrations are detailed, fresh, accurate and... full of personality. Sure, some of these big lizards are fierce and terryfing, but the artist has managed to imbue personality and emotions to many of them. In my eyes, he shows that these were creatures with complex lives, social interactions, emotions and families. Not just cold-blooded killing machines. Impressive! Buy it for the kids, revel in the artwork and learn a thing or two. Highly recommended.
Wonderful illustrations and truly inspired work.These prehistoric creatures are brought to life with detailed descriptions and magnificent drawings.I can't wait to share his book with my nieces and nephews! It is a delight for both children and adults.
If you are a dinosaur fan, or no someone who is, get this book immediately. Some of the finest dinosaur illustrations I have seen. Covers only the early Cretaceous so don't expect T-Rex and Triceratops (late Cretaceous). What you get is a diverse collection of great but possibly dinosaurs that are little less familiar. Reads like a field guide. I hope Juan Carlos Alonso teams up with Gregory Paul again to do Late Cretaceous and Jurassic era dinosaurs as well because this one deserves companions to sit proudly on your dinosaurs book shelf (even though it stands out all by itself). Kudos for the embossed (raised) cover!
If you're into dinosaurs (and let's be real...who doesn't like dinosaurs), then you're going to LOVE Ancient Earth Journal! The amount of detail that each picture shows almost makes you feel like you're in The Early Cretaceous era. The book is suitable for any audience and is sure to keep you entertained.In short: get ready for an amazing journey back in time that you'll never forget!
Never have I seen a dinosaur book with more detailed, thoughtful, and incredible illustrations. This book is not just for kids! Page after page, you'll find yourself being amazed by these animals (and the careful coloring and detail in the drawings). The Ancient Earth Journal is not just scientific and informative, but also a great glimpse at a time before our own! Simply amazing!
I loved this book! The detail in all of the drawings is amazing. I would recommend purchasing it for all of the dinosaur lovers in your life. A+!
While the artwork in this book is excellent (easily among the best as far as mainstream dinosaur books go) some of the information presented is lacking. For example; skim feeding in Tapejara (or any pterosaur) has been essentially ruled out for every species we currently know. On the artistic side there are a few errors such the Gastonia has too many toe claws. No archosaur had claws/hooves/nails/etc on the outmost two digits. That is an incredibly common mistake so seeing it here isn't too suprising. Overall, though, the book is still fantastic and among the best dinosaur books available for the intended audience. I would highly recommend it!
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