File Size: 1085 KB
Print Length: 38 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: July 11, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #354,215 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #18 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Inflation #28 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Inflation #113 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Teacher Resources > Funding
It is no secret that we are living in a time of global crisis. The financial meltdown of Wall Street, bank failures, the subprime lending crisis, and uncontrollable gasoline prices are creating enormous stress for Americans. And now, we are facing an economic crisis that many are comparing to the events leading up to the Great Depression.This was a thought provoking book and it took me a few hours of non-stop reading to get through it. It was so interesting that I could not put it down. It explains how our dependance on oil, money and material will be the end of us. The book really is a survival guide, too, not just about financial collapse but about everything from how to get water and energy, shelter and food, etc. etc. in dire straits. Overall, a very good read.
The book has an unexpected subject: the currency war. More specifically, it is intended to be a preparation for that war. The book begins with an explanation of the reasons why the American dollar has lost its first position between the other currencies at the beginning of the third millennium. This decline is seen as a constant element in history, where great powers were deeply affected by their huge debts and finally collapsed under this burden. The book shows further on how the devaluation of the American dollar affects our entire life.Another interesting point of the book is the way it explains the foreign exchange market and the interest of governments to devalue their currency in order to boost their exports and thus to help their economy. One of the solutions that could help us to survive in this war the author recommends is to buy gold, the age old universal currency. Worthy of attention is also the presentation of the career options that an individual has today, such as healthcare, energy, education, etc. Being versatile, says the author, is a key to success in a fluctuating economy.The author also gives a few suggestions that could help us to survive in this currency war: 1. Create a personal fund by saving money 2. Keep some cash in your house 3. Eliminate debt 4. Invest in gold, silver and property 5. Or learn how to grow food.All in all, the book is worth reading and invites us to reflection about our world.
I believe that someday people will create another economic system, and money will became an items from the past. This book shows further on how the devaluation of the American dollar affects our entire life. Another interesting point of the book is the way it explains the foreign exchange market and the interest of governments to devalue their currency in order to boost their exports and thus to help their economy. One of the solutions that could help us to survive in this war the author recommends is to buy gold, the age old universal currency
Extremely well written book on world economics.. Most Americans know only how our nation's economy works (actually, it doesn't work very well at all). This is an in depth explanation of the"big picture". A factual look at the other major (and many of the smaller) economic powers in the world. If Rickards' prediction comes true and the rest of the world finally realizes that the United States is bankrupt ($14 Trillion in debt) and there's nothing to back that debt except our promise to pay it off), the US dollar may well become worthless. That will, indeed, be the end of life as we know it.
I always pending about the balance of my money, because we never know what's happen someday, this book help me to find out some type of ideas to this don't happen or If it is happen. I want to congratulate the author Edward Rickards for this helpful and informative guide. Very important, highly recommend it.
This book has explained perfectly what's happening with money today. Which are only facts and might happen in the future. It has explained what we should do in times of trouble, so basically this book is eye opener and very helpful. I recommend this one to everyone.
This is a very well-researched book.The international monetary system has collapsed three times in the past hundred years. Each collapse was followed by a period of war, civil unrest, or damage to the stability of the global economy. This book is written by the Edward Rickards and explains why another collapse is rapidly approaching. Rickard's incredible breadth of experience and depth of understanding of the intricacies of the world's financial systems. The picture it paints isn't pretty but I at least feel like I can look at the world through more informed eyes and maybe make investment and career decisions based on a better understanding of how things really are.Overall, I learned a ton from this book, and I'm glad I read it. At the very least, Death of Money is informative and thought-provoking, and I recommend it.
The book reveals the essence of the currency war and what to do with it. It is shown as the dollar devolvatsiya affects your life. The author gives a concrete plan of how to survive in the currency war. It is necessary to get rid of debt, invest in jewelry purchase. The book is worthy to read it, all advise.
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