Paperback: 271 pages
Publisher: Touchstone (January 1995)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0684813467
ISBN-13: 978-0684813462
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.6 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 10.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (334 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #26,390 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #24 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Classics & Allegories #1546 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Religious & Inspirational #5947 in Books > Religion & Spirituality
The book JOSHUA changed my life. That's a simple but powerful statement and that is exactly what this book is: a simple but powerful book.It seems to be divinely inspired and written with devotion and love. It was obviously Fr. Girzone's first attempt at writing for it often read like the way a child speaks but I found that to be charming instead of annoying. The book was pure in its voice and pure in its motive to communicate how organized religions can often move away from the true message and character of Christ.Joshua, like Jesus, is a man with human flaws but who has attained a level of love for God that most of us aspire too but fall far short of achieving. Joshua doesn't go around rigidly preaching the word of God so much as he lives his life according to the word of God--his life is a sermon and example to us all, like Jesus'life was.Fr. Girzone seems to be trying to show us how Joshua (Jesus) was a simple man who led a compassionate life devoted to a loving God. His life and message were not bogged down with rules and an inhuman ideal of perfection. Joshua could worship in any temple, any church, on any hilltop because God can be found anywhere and, at the same time, his love for God allowed him to worship with Christians, Jews or simply all by himself.God is too great for any one religion to corner the market on understanding Him and our quest to please Him. We still can't explain the size or the birth of our universe so how can we be expected to be all knowing about God? Joshua attempts to bring that thought to light. Learning and loving God is a journey that spans many lifetimes but Joshua shows us that compassion and love will put us on the right path.
If Christ's teachings set the practitioner free, why does established religion impose a set of rigid rules and traditions on their followers? In his book, "Joshua", Fr Girzone beautifully reexplores this territory first broached by Dostoevsky in his chapter "The Grand Inquisitor" in "the Brothers Karamazov". Girzone asks the question, "Can mankind shed its true nature, throw away its need for power and truly embrace the simple life that Christ advocates?" In "The Grand Inquisitor", Christ reappears, His love of man evident in the simple miraculous acts he performs when he walks among the sick and poor. These actions cause attention to be drawn to Him, and eventually He is imprisioned by the grand inquisitor who engages Him in a lengthy conversation regarding what the established Church provides the people and exactly what the Church is unwilling to sacrifice in order to truly follow Christ's example. The Grand Inquisitor fully admits the the Church has supplanted the role of Christ in the lives of its congregation and in effect is responsible for the "non-existence" of God.Similarly, in "Joshua", Christ reappears in a small town in upstate New York. Joshua is a wood carver who lives simply, enjoys the beauty of nature and above all has the ultimate compassion for anyone he encounters who is in physical, spiritual or mental need. Word of Joshua's simple lifestyle sets the town's ears on fire and curiosity drives them to meet Joshua for themselves. No one is disappointed. As Joshua's popularity grows, he is singled out by leaders of the established churches and the synagogue.
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