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The Gospel According To Judas By Benjamin Iscariot
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"The very name of ‘Judas' raises among Christians an instinctive reaction of criticism and condemnation…The betrayal of Judas remains…a mystery."—Pope Benedict XVI, October 2006The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot sheds new light on the the mystery of Judas—including his motives for the betrayal and what happened to him after the crucifixion—by retelling the story of Jesus through the eyes of Judas, using the canonical texts as its basic point of reference. Ostensibly written by Judas's son, Benjamin, and following the narrative style of the Gospels, this re-creation is provocative, compelling, and controversial.The Gospel According to Judas, by Benjamin Iscariot is the result of an intense collaboration between a storyteller and a scholar: Jeffrey Archer and Francis J. Moloney. Their brilliant work—bold and simple—is a compelling story for twenty-first-century readers, while maintaining an authenticity that would be credible to a first-century Christian or Jew.

File Size: 450 KB

Print Length: 120 pages

Publisher: St. Martin's Press (March 20, 2007)

Publication Date: March 20, 2007

Sold by: Macmillan

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #291,009 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #29 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Biblical Fiction #910 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Religious & Inspirational > Historical #8629 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction

I picked up a copy of this book at Dollar Tree. I had no idea what it was supposed to be, but since I have read the real Gospel of Judas I thought it was worth a buck to pick up a copy of this. I had finished reading it the next day.I keep a computerized inventory of all of my books, and when I entered this one I had difficulty deciding which genre to place it under. Ultimately I put it under Religious Fiction, but you could also label it Religious Devotional or Religious Scholarship. This is a novel that is written in the form of a gospel, and although its history and theology are highly unorthodox, it also has aspects of a devotional work. It is obvious that the authors love the God and Jesus of their understanding and have a great reverence for the New Testament, but they choose to experiment in looking at things from a different angle. I think it is worthwhile even if it does leave the final result confused.Considering this book as a novel, it is a first person narrative by a Benjamin Iscariot, son of Judas Iscariot. He tells the truth (as he sees it) about his father in order to save his reputation from those who called him a traitor. He tells the life of his father including how he met Jesus, what he did with Jesus, and what really happened at the execution. Finally he says that his father Judas did not commit suicide but died of natural causes at old age.If you are looking for literal truth in this book, there is very little. This imaginary telling contradicts both the Biblical version of the story and the version told in the Gospel of Judas. There is no credible scholarship to back up any of the claims in this book, but the authors do a good job at making the historical settings and people seem realistic and credible.

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