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Nice Girls Don't Get...: The Corner Office/Rich
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For every professional woman who wants to get ahead, but feels she's at an impasse, help is available in this box set that offers motivation in recognizing and overcoming self-defeating behavior. Contains Frankel's newest work, "Nice Girls Don't Get Rich," and her bestselling "Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office." Abridged. 3 CDs.

Audio CD

Publisher: Hachette Audio; Abridged edition (May 1, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 064191461X

ISBN-13: 978-1594830297

ASIN: 1594830290

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.5 x 5.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #486,435 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #83 in Books > Books on CD > Business > Career #143 in Books > Books on CD > Business > Management #340 in Books > Books on CD > Business > General

I only rated this a 4 because I like to reserve a 5 for truly outstanding things, but don't get me wrong; this was definitely worth my money. There were some mistakes I didn't know were mistakes that I've made, some I see others making, and a few I don't see very often. The advice offered is general and probably not enough to make dramatic differences in anyone's life, but as the old TV show slogan said, "Knowing is half the battle." Awareness is important. It's interesting talking about the points in the book with my husband to hear his take on them. I would suggest finding a good friend (male or otherwise) to discuss them.I got the audio version so I could listen to it during my long commute. I'm glad my iPod has the ability to back up so I could re-hear some points, because they were worth hearing again. Part of me wants to have the print version so I can quickly locate and review some parts. I don't have time to figure out what the audio tracks should be named so I'm stuck with "track 1, track 2" etc. Providing a play list with the CD's would help.The book suggests reading just a "mistake" or two, focusing on applying the advice to your life, and then moving on to the next "mistake." That does't work so well when listing to an audio book during a 1 hour commute, where I can hear the whole book through in four days. I plan to listen to it again after several months. If you don't have time to read the print version, the audio version is certainly better than not listening/reading this at all.

I would have saved a lot of time if I had just gotten the list of the mistakes (both career wise & money wise) and read them myself. Even though the mistakes are a good reminder, they were not groundbreaking. Pay attention that this is the "abridged version" which may be the reason why I did not care much for the fluff that came along with each mistake. The mistake, in itself, was self-explanatory.

The Box set offers a pile of practical advice and insight. For many it will be validating in that it offers information that you already know you are doing well. The tips also cover both sides of situations, the advice is balanced, so can sound contradictory (much like life!).

I ordered the set for a friend of mine who was raised a Nice Girl and ought to get a clue. Nice people say nice things that could be a far stretch from the truth to keep from hurting feelings. These books mirrored the Leadership course I was delivering for the Dept. of the Interior. Highly recommended.

Am I an "ostrich" or an "abdicator?" That's the question I asked myself while reading Nice Girls...! These are just two types of women w/whom you may or may not identify who are foundering in dire financial straits, or, at the least, not reaching their financial potential for behaving like "nice girls." Following each case scenario, coaching tips are offered to prevent or stop us from falling into female behavior traps that are financially crippling. Each tip is in bulletpoint format making the info easily accessible for reference.Dr. Frankel employs an easygoing, winning writing style to deliver hard-hitting strategies designed to knock women out of their financial complacency and dependency. Her advice ranges from simply balancing a checkbook or weekly budgeting to setting up a private foundation.If you've read her first book, Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, this new book provides the tools necessary to build your wealth after you've attained that desired position. I highly recommend adding it to your "nice girls" collection.

If you've read this author before, you will like this set. I have it in my car & listen to it every now and again for some good reminders.

Great CDs , I would recommend them!Makes a great gift, especially for the negative women who hates her job/life!

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