Series: Comprehensive (Book 4)
Audio CD
Publisher: Pimsleur; 30 Lessons + Reading edition (November 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0671317962
ISBN-13: 978-0671317966
Product Dimensions: 12.5 x 2 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (58 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #274,340 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #20 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Spanish #274 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction #474 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Spanish
Despite taking Spanish in high school (3 years) and college (4 quarters), the ten-year lapse between that era and marrying my Mexican wife essentially wiped out that somewhat strong foundation. Accordingly, Pimsleur has proven (for me) to be a VERY effective, reliable tool to learn the (Spanish) language. I started 'from scratch' with Edition I, and continued through the II and III editions, repeating each twice per day (once in the am, once in the pm), while utilizing the accompanying readings. I made very good progress, and was extremely excited that Spanish IV was released almost immediately (and coincidentally) following my completion of editions III.Within each of the first III editions (30 lessons apiece), I felt consistently challenged to the point where each day brought new challenges (and thus, progress). They were never easy, and in some cases there were notable jumps in difficulty from lesson to lesson. That is a good thing. Therein lies the problem with Pimsleur Spanish IV. While the quality of the product is the same - taut, straight-forward, well-paced - the lessons are shorter (lesson 18 was 28 minutes while lesson 19 was a paltry 26!) and the difficulty level is not increasing. Whereas tenses were alternated and expanded frequently toward the end of Spanish III, Spanish IV utilizes primarily the (basic) 'present' tense, with occasional preterit mixed in (but very rare). As such, the only progress within each lesson is the new (and somewhat simple) vocabulary, which to their credit at least is modern (email, smartphones, PDA, etc).In short, it is always good to practice and for me this methodology is very effective, so the practice is the most important part with Pimsleur IV. That said, there is much lower of a 'jump' of difficulty, thus leaving me yearning for a greater challenge, and feeling that the Pimsleur IV is primarily an exercise, not so much a learning platform.
Hey Pimsleur editors, Level IV should be harder than and build on the first three levels, not easier and repeat lessons that were taught before . As the other reviewers have stated, this more like II or II.5. One example: around lesson twenty the phrase "ahora mismo" is introduced like a new phrase when it was already introduced way back in Level II and used constantly in all the subsequent lessons. Many phrases are unnecessarily repeated (OK, it's hot and it's humid, but does it have to be repeated twenty times through multiple lessons? Can someone be a bus driver instead of a software engineer? What's with the obession with bathing suits? Yikes, how about some variety here. The verb tenses tend to be all simple predicates and the two speakers are talking in two different tempi (female faster and the male intentionally slowing down) which makes the conversations sound awkward, stilted, and artificial. Additionally in the previous levels, after the English narrative "setup" the Spanish speaker would speak the Spanish phrase once, pause, and repeat the whole sentence or the more difficult parts again to reinforce the memorization. This was very time efficient since the listener got at least two Spanish "hits" for each English phrase. For some reason they dropped this and usually only give the Spanish phrase once.This product should be recalled, remade, and reissued with the correct difficulty and excellent teaching style of the first three lessons.Positive note: the reading materials are excellent. Updated vocabulary for the some of the new technology (scrolling through emails,ie).30 more lessons can never hurt.¡Que lastima!
I have tried more than a dozen Spanish audio courses, and most are greatly lacking, usually because they provide long lists of vocabulary words with little or no opportunity to practice and use them. Pimsleur is the exception because Pimsleur introduces a few words at a time and gives the listener plenty of opportunity to practice and MASTER the vocabulary before introducing new words. I was pleased that there was not a tremendous amount of overlap between Spanish IV and Spanish Plus (previously the only course beyond Level III). The big disappointment about Spanish IV is that it introduces far less vocabulary than Spanish I, II, or III. In the previous levels, I found that I listened to them three to four times before moving to the next lesson. In Spanish IV, I found that one or two times was enough practice that I felt comfortable moving to the next lesson. The other disappointment is that the lessons are short! Most lessons are about 28 minutes long when they should be 30 minutes long. While that may not sound like much of a difference, over the course of 30 lessons, it really means the user is getting only 28 lessons, not 30. How difficult would it have been to add those extra two minutes per lesson. I recommend this course for someone looking to learn Spanish, but I wish it had introduced more new vocabulary.
This Spanish IV course basically covers more basic phrases that really should have been covered in the Spanish 2 course. I was surprised that Spanish Pimsleur IV does not cover past tenses more thoroughly and more colloquial phrases like their French III, Brazilian Portuguese III, and Italian III (courses which I thought were great and rate 5 stars). To be honest I believe that what Pimsleur should do is get rid of their Spanish III and Spanish Plus courses (which are more or less useful only if you want to study business phrases and/or going to a book fair, as Spanish II, III, and IV cover enough business conversation), call their Spanish IV course Spanish III, and create a new Spanish IV which teaches more past tenses like preterite and imperfect, more colloquial phrases which are useful and more work with reflexive verbs. So for people out there who are thinking of ordering Pimsleur Spanish, order I, II, and IV, save your money by not ordering III or Spanish Plus. If Pimsleur decides to do a Spanish V, they really should concentrate on the previously stated suggestions. After writing all this, I still recommend Pimsleur Spanish, it just doesn't measure up to some of their other languages as highly.
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