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OneNote: OneNote Essential User Guide To Getting Things Done On OneNote: Setup OneNote For GTD In 5 Easy Steps (OneNote & David Allen's GTD (2015))
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Setup OneNote for Getting Things Done in 5 Savvy Steps... Do you want to capture your thoughts and to-do's so they're not consistently running rampant in your mind? Would you like to significantly improve your efficiency and productivity so you can have more time? Or maybe you'd like to reduce your overall stress levels AND still get more DONE. If so, you've come to the right place! Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 13 years you would have heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) System detailed in his New York Times Bestseller Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Jack Echo has enriched the same best-selling productivity principles from the newly revised 2015 GTD system by providing a comprehensive guide on how to integrate it with OneNote (a free digital note-taking softwaredeveloped by Microsoft). Through cohesive integration of the two systems you're provided the benefit and ability to note-take wherever you are without a pen and paper whilst supercharging your productivity in all daily activities. No matter how technologically illiterate you may be, this guide will walk you step by step on how to set up the GTD system in OneNote within 30 minutes by following the diagrams and 5 simple steps laid out. If you aren't familiar with the GTD productivity system by David Allen, Jack has you covered as he explains the foundations of the productivity system within the guide. Inside You'll Discover... What the 2015 GTD System Is and WHY It Significantly Improves Your Productivity What OneNotes All About and How to Easily Navigate the Features The #1 Thing You MUST Avoid for Enhanced Productivity The Answer to the Ever Eluding Question: OneNote or EverNote?! How to Set OneNote Up Rapidly in 5 Savvy Steps Why OneNote and GTD Form the Dream Team 6 Productivity Hacks & Tricks with OneNote that Will Make You a Productivity Ninja Integration of OneNote with Other Software 7 Lucrative Lists to Stress-free Productivity Integration of OneNote with Other Software How to Use OneNote with GTD to Decrease Stress and Get More Done in Less Time The Core Principles of the GTD System Results from Studies Done by Cognitive Scientists on Productivity and the Implications on You Three Reasons Why Things Are Always on Your Mind And more... What are you waiting for? Times ticking by! Get more out of your time and effort today by making one of the smartest investments you could ever possibly make. An investment in yourself, your future and your productivity. Scroll up and BUY NOW!

Series: OneNote & David Allen's GTD (2015)

Paperback: 174 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (November 9, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1519185200

ISBN-13: 978-1519185204

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (128 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #105,086 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #160 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Time Management

Very helpful in organizing all my tasks especially with my current work as I am constantly asked to do new tasks when I am not even done with the rest. I liked how organized everything is now thanks to this quick guide! The discussion about GTD (Getting Things Done) and sorting out tasks before you've even began to weed out the unnecessary to the ones that can be done in 2 minutes or otherwise delegate was extremely helpful. I also did not realize the clutter it causes when I put everything into a calendar. Now my calendar looks neat and I don’t stress about deadlines. Never new OneNote could be so helpful in delegating tasks and I can add just about anything to my documents and files which is saves me the hassle of finding the needed files later.

Holy One Note!! So like some people before becoming a business owner, I never utilized half of the things on my PC, esp. OneNote. Thank goodness for Jack Ecko and this User Guide because I was drowning in invoices and sticky notes not to mention all my crazy list. Now Im 100% organized and I have this book to thank!! My favorite part was it was user friendly, never did I have to go back and read something a million times to understand it. I would recommend.

Okay so I have had one note in my comp for as long as I can remember and never once have I touched it! Well sometimes I accidentally opened programs in there and it seem so complicated that was as far as I went. So I read about what it could do and its functions and decided I was going to try using it. First stop was getting the guidance, this book was informative and very helpful! I am now using it every day and I feel like my comp is so much more organized and all my stuff is in one safe place!

I've been having OneNote in my laptop for years now. But, all I did was ignore it. Why? Basically, I have no idea on how to use it or even its purpose. Now, this book has saved me! It's kinda funny that all this time, that one thing I've been ignoring is the one thing that I've been needing. Instructions provided in this book is super easy to understand and follow. Well, in fact as I am reading it, I am performing each step on the side. My OneNote is now at work! Finally, it already gained a purpose to me. I even gained a new baby in my laptop. Love it!

I always wanted to be organized all the time so that I would not miss anything on my schedule. A friend of mine told me that OneNote is really helpful on this. I don't have any idea about it that is why I grabbed this book.In this book you will learn how OneNote works and how it can be utilized fully. OneNote is a freeware wherein you can jot down all the notes you need without using the traditional pen and paper. The author provided a simple discussion why this method is effective compared to the traditional way we used to do it. Tips and techniques were provided in here. You won't go wrong in setting your own OneNote by following the simple steps provided here. After reader this book, I realize that this software is the one I need. Good book!

I am one of those people who have one note on my computer and have never used and my sister recently started our own business and staying one of the biggest problems we have is staying orhanized..because of this book I have learned to use one note and we are more organized now than ever...this book was so helpful

This book helped me learn a lot about using Onenote. I have had this on my computer for a long time but never knew how to use it. This book taught me a lot and I would recommend it to anyone who needs to understand Onenote.I received at discount for givingvmy honest and unbiased opinion.

I am the worlds worst with computer programs and understanding them. I downloaded one note and I was lost. This book has helped me to navigate through One Note and understand what I am doing. This book is easily read and very easy to understand. I love this program and so glad that this book has helped me understand what I needed to do. It has helped me unclutter my computer and my life. It has defiantely been very useful. I received this at a discount for an honest review and I have already recommended it to my family and friends.

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