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The Sons Of God And The Nephilim
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Genesis 6 introduces two of the most mysterious groups in all of Scripture: the sons of God and the Nephilim (or giants). Scholars have been divided over this issue since the early days of the church. Were the sons of God really fallen angels that married women or were they something else? Were the Nephilim the offspring of the unions between the sons of God and women or were they already around prior to these marriage? Why were they on the earth again after the Flood as explained in Number 13?Find out the truth about two of the greatest mysteries in Scripture as Tim clears up the misconceptions and presents one of the most detailed and scholarly studies ever done on this subject. Each of the major positions are examined in detail, showing both the arguments for and the objections to the respective views. In addition to a study of the relevant biblical passages, the author traces the historical development of the subject and evaluates related content in other ancient writings. You may never look at the Old Testament the same way again.[This work is comprised of the author's Th.M. thesis along with 12 pages of additional content that were added on 10/2/2012 to address recent objections and to support previous arguments.]

File Size: 458 KB

Print Length: 143 pages

Publication Date: November 3, 2011

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B00638M268

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #237,033 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #83 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > History > Religion > Christianity > Biblical History & Culture > Historical Theology #215 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Religion & Spirituality > Christian Books & Bibles > Bible Study & Reference > Bible Study > Old Testament #291 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > History > Historical Theology

With a rash of novels and movies on the subject of gods, demigods, and Noah's flood, there has never been a more pressing need for sound, biblical thinking on the subject of this book. Tim Chaffey and I have a common passion which is getting the word out that Christians can and should embrace the ancient view of Genesis 6:1-4: Heavenly beings came down to earth and co-mingled with our women, thus producing a breed of giants.This thesis paper turned into a concise and fantastic little book lays out the problem systematically. Chapter 1 explains the problem. Chapter 2 presents the major views through history. Chapters 3-4 examine the views and comes to the conclusion that the supernatural view is the best defensible position. Chapters 5-6 deal with the Nephilim (those creatures of enormous size and physical deformities such as six fingers) and explain why the author believes they are important enough to be included in the Bible. The answer is, in my opinion, spot on. Finally, there is a rather lengthy treatment of David and Goliath at the end.This book is not speculative. It is rooted in Scripture and yet sensitive to history and reason. Unlike so many books on the subject, this one is well documented and researched. Few stones are left unturned. If you can think of an objection, Tim almost certainly has an answer. I agree with him on many points, but the core matter---the reason why it is imperative that the church stop fearing the supernatural conclusions---is where I especially appreciate Tim's work. Buy this book and you will have much to think about, but most of all you will think about Jesus Christ, for in remarkable ways, he is at the heart of this ancient mysterious puzzle.

In this subject it's the norm to be bombarded with at best poor reasoning and at worst outright deception. Mr. Chaffey has proven to be the exception to this rule. Admittedly I already held the fallen angel view because it's consistent, albeit bizarre, with the historical record, but Mr. Chaffey has taken the time to break down the Biblical arguments for and against and proven that it is by far the best interpretive and historically supported view. In the future, this will be the "go to" book when this subject comes up.

This is something you don't hear taught in Sunday School. Yet it is in the Bible and this writer takes you through the O.T. and shows you so much about those "giants in the land" until it is amazing. The remark we often hear is:"As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns" and if you are like me, you have wondered about that statement. Well, this writer will shock you with the answer to that statement. It makes sense to me.I really learned a lot by reading this book and I will read it again soon. If you want a deeper understanding of these "beings" read this book.

This is a must read for anyone interested in researching the facts and theories surrounding this controversial subject. Tim has done an excellent job in laying out the details in a logical and clear order. It is complete with all the required references. Personally I agree with Tim's conclusions. I also appreciated his appendix on David and Goliath. If this topic is of interest to you then you will not be disappointed by the information presented.

If you have ever wondered who the Nephilim in the Bible were, you need to read The Sons of God and the Nephilim by Tim Chaffey. It will give you new insights and a better understanding of who the Nephilim really were. A must read for any serious Bible student.

While recent projects from a handful of fiction authors have raised the public profile of the Nephilim, Tim Chaffey digs into the original Biblical source, focusing on Genesis 6:1-4, to search out their true identity. Many Christians, even those who claim Biblical authority and inerrancy, have surrendered solid exegesis of these verses for the sake of "credibility" to an unbelieving world, but here Tim lets Scripture speak for itself and lead where it may. He does reach a conclusion - one with which I agree - but remains gracious to those who hold different views. A well-researched, well-cited work that's deep enough for a seminarian but clear and concise enough for readers with a more casual interest in the material. Fascinating stuff.

Another great and well-researched book on the topic of Genesis 6. I just previously finished Van Dorn's volume on the topic Giants: Sons of the Gods which I found to be more in-depth and exhaustive in ways, I still found Chaffey's work to add additional information to the discussion.As expected, he lists the alternate views, and then disassembles them by showing their weaknesses. In the end, only the fallen angel view can match all of the criteria of original language, other use in scripture, as well as other historical writings. The historical writings sections had some pieces I was unfamiliar with too, which was nice to see.In both this and Van Dorn's book, they go the extra mile to show that there is a better than good possibility that God had his people on a mission to wipe out this giant threat, as is evident from the battles He sent them on. If this is true (and evidence seems to point that way), then it is a game changer when it comes to understanding the OT and all that was happening as far as the people being sent to wipe out whole people groups.I give this book two thumbs up as a great starting point for the discussion of Gen. 6, the Sons of God and the Nephilim.

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