Series: New Studies in Biblical Theology (Book 15)
Paperback: 267 pages
Publisher: IVP Academic (December 7, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0830826157
ISBN-13: 978-0830826155
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.8 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (21 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #53,877 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #2 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Churches & Church Leadership > Canon Law #31 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > History > Historical Theology #43 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Bible Study & Reference > Criticism & Interpretation > Old Testament
According to Dempster, the problem with many biblical theologies is that they end up being the particular theologies of the theologians doing the theologizing. He argues that this is because thematic approaches often impose a lens upon the reading of the larger Text; they often miss the `Text' for the `texts' that make it up. Dempster proposes that instead, biblical theology should strive to acquire its lens from the Text itself, necessitating a belief in the unity of the one Text. Furthermore, if there is unity to the one Text, then questions pertaining to the literary structure of that Text have profound hermeneutical implications. He then proposes that the literary structure perhaps most helpful in determining the central message of the Old Testament is the Tanakh, since it is the oldest such structure and very likely the Bible of Jesus Christ. Discerning a fundamental theme of this text then becomes imperative to the discipline of hermeneutics. When it comes to any such theme(s) in the Hebrew canon, Dempster argues that the central storyline is composed of two main themes, dominion and dynasty, being realized through the house that God is building for David.Get past the introductory chapters and the rubber really hits the road in chapter 3 as he starts with Genesis, showing how Adam and Eve were made God's vice-regents over the land, failed at this task, and were then promised a coming seed to reestablish divine dominion. This proceeds to Abraham who was promised land for his descendants, who would be innumerable. One of these descendants, Jacob, at the end of Genesis then foresees Judah exercising dominion over the whole world.
In the last ten years there have been many Biblical Theology books and articles that may not use the label "New Covenant Theology," but nevertheless have much in common with it. Stephen G. Dempster (Atlantic Baptist University, Canada) has written such a book with his recent Dominion and Dynasty.Dempster firmly believes that there is one divine author behind the many human authors, which leads him to seek the unity of the text of the Old Testament. In the introduction, he covers foundational methodological issues. The reader must approach Scripture on its own terms, and this is properly done by constantly exposing oneself to the text by reading and re-reading Scripture, tracing themes throughout the canon, and noticing inter-textual links. Next, Dempster addresses the issue of whether the Old Testament can be viewed as a Text or text(s). The author is convinced that when one approaches the Tanakh from a literary standpoint, it should be viewed as a unified Text. Due to the size and diversity of the Tanakh, many historical critical scholars deny unity and thus never see the big picture and thus fail to grasp the whole.Dempster also argues that the order of the books is very important, opting for the order of the Hebrew canon, which is the oldest and is almost certainly the order in which Jesus read his Bible. Dempster then surveys various approaches to Old Testament theology. His approach will be a literary approach looking for unity as he follows the chronological storyline of the Hebrew canon. Chapter two is a preview of the storyline. Dempster sees the twin themes of dominion and dynasty (geography and genealogy) as uniting the Bible.
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