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Chief Truths Of The Faith: A Course In Religion - Book I
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Deeply penetrating and delightfully concise, this outline of the Catholic Faith is the perfect instruction tool for those who do not know about the Catholic Faith, as well as a stimulating read for the educated Catholic who wishes to learn more. Fr. Laux never fails to capture and retain the reader’s interest while giving in-depth explanations of topics such as the following (and dozens more):The sources of Faith (pg. 1)The Nature and Attributes of God (66)The Nature and Origin of the Human Race (91)The Immaculate Conception (103)The Hypostatic Union (114)Sanctifying and Actual Grace (145)The Resurrection of the Dead and General Judgment (170)Includes a comprehensive Index to easily locate many topics and their explanations, such as exorcism, evolution, Biblical interpretation, Limbo, Science and the Bible, and more!Every chapter divides each article of Faith into the parts which make it up, and diligently analyzes each part. Also, the end of each chapter provides thought-provoking Suggestions for Study and Review. Although originally written as a high school study guide, Chief Truths of the Faith provides an educating and intriguing read for high school students, college students, and adults alike. All will come away from this book more knowledgeable and happier for the experience. (198 pgs., PB.)

Series: A Course in Religion

Paperback: 200 pages

Publisher: TAN Books; Reprint edition (December 1, 1994)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0895553910

ISBN-13: 978-0895553911

Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #92,863 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #37 in Books > Religion & Spirituality > Religious Studies > Education #45 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Catholicism > Roman Catholicism #63 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > History > Historical Theology

This beautiful little book stands as the first of Father John's excellent series on the Catholic Faith. It treats of Scripture, Tradition, the Blessed Trinity, Creation, the Angels, Original Sin, Christ our Redeemer, Our Lady, and all of the key truths of Catholicism.The wonderful folks at TAN books of Rockford, Illinois make this book, its three sequels, and Father John's "Introduction to the Bible" and "Church History" available in lovely new paperback format. The books can be purchased individually, or in sets of four, five, or six. They are well worth the price. Start with this outstanding introduction. But do avail yourself of the entire series. God bless.

We are learning so much with this book. It ties together what we've learned in earlier grades. My daughter and I love reading and discussing it together.

This is the first book in one of the best series to learn and/or teach the Faith to others. Easy to understand and to follow, concise but clearly explained, a great resource for personal use, for RCIA or Theology teachers at High School or College level. A must for Catholics or anyone wanting to understand the teachings of the Church.

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