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The Story Of Rolf And The Viking Bow
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Rolf is the son of Hiarandi the Unlucky. Hiarandi, at the urging of his wife, does an unforgivable thing: he lights a signal fire on a dangerous point of his land, challenging the accepted custom that place lucrative salvage at a higher value than the saving of life. However, the life that is saved that night causes his own death and the unjust outlawing of his son Rolf. This tale exemplifies the effect of Christ's teachings upon the Icelandic people during their heroic age. The book is set in Iceland in the days when Christianity has come to the island though the old customs still linger.

Paperback: 148 pages

Publisher: Wilder Publications; First Edition edition (March 26, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1604595221

ISBN-13: 978-1604595222

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.3 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #518,344 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #91 in Books > Teens > Historical Fiction > Ancient #181 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Ancient Civilizations #632 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Classics

Age Range: 12 - 17 years

Grade Level: 7 - 12

Rolf and the Viking Bow is a great story of adventure and of a son's love for his father. Will Rolf be able to avenge the father who was unjustly killed by the evil neighbors Ondott and Einar? Rolf must shoot an arrow far enough to prove that his father was unlawfully slain. Unjustly outlawed, Rolf was sent away on a ship. He became a slave and found a Viking bow that could shoot father than any he had ever seen and after killing a berserker he was set free. But will he be able to make it back to Iceland to prove that his father was unlawfully slain or will he die the in the attempt? You will learn all about Icelandic history and customs while reading this exciting legend of Rolf and the Viking bow.

Allen French has woven a story of a family feud within the bounds of Nordish civil law, cultural change in Iceland, and Norse mythology. The main characters Rolf, Frodi, and Grani are three noble young men whose friendship tests their identity, faith, and pride.When Rolf’s father is murdered by Grani’s father and his lands stolen, Rolf vows to win back his lands lawfully. Rolf’s character grows from an innocent boy to a savvy and steadfast man. He must suffer injustice many times before he comes up with a plan that triumphs over all.Allen French is a masterful story-teller who knows how to inspire nobility without preaching. There are many character themes beautifully illustrated in his story of Rolf; friendship, forgiveness, humility, looking out for others, perseverance, trust in God...these are just a few.The language is archaic and can be difficult to swallow at first but it is well worth the effort. The text is terse and packed with purposeful intent, yet rich and beautiful at the same time. He easily switches from prose to verse and vice versa. His knowledge of Norse mythology is fascinating. I have read “Rolf” multiple times with my teenage sons. After reading it I feel like I visited the country and met the people.

My 11 year old son LOVED this book. He started this book at school and begged me to put it on his Kindle. Highly recommended.

The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow was a great story. This book demonstrated how even when you're doing the right thing you can still suffer from unjustice. But the outcome of doing the right thing is far better than anything you could imagine. This book was a good read because it shows how using deceitful tactics will only help you in the short term. But doing the right thing will help you in the long term. This book is filled with action, drama, and excitement to keep you on the edge of your seat while reading this book. I would recommend this book to teenagers because it's the perfect balance between plot and action.

We very much enjoyed this as a read aloud in our family (children in 2nd & 4th grade) and had many stimulating conversations as a result. It is adventuresome and a great way to assimilate history.

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