Audio CD: 7 pages
Publisher: Sounds True, Incorporated; Unabridged edition (March 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591792517
ISBN-13: 978-1591792512
Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 1.7 x 5.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (32 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #256,676 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #87 in Books > Books on CD > Reference #228 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction #377 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General
I felt such an affinity with the material Greg presents in his collection that I cannot recommend it highly enough. The program is well organised and listening is a pleasure. The collection is a must have for the modern spiritualist and has helped me personally take the next step on my journey towards realising my true potential as a human being at this time in history. Don't think this collection!
The old and the new of science, theology and technology are brought together in this material, and not one is found wanting. Rather, they support and compliment each other. It appears to me that God is revealing to mankind, once again, what it needs when it is most needed. Any person, at any level,with an open spiritual eye and ear ("Those that have ears to hear, let them hear....")will find spiritual food herein.
Gregg Braden is well researched, well experienced, authentic, sincere, wise, and caring. I love the fact that he backs up theory with scientific facts and historically researched data. Finding access to ancient wisdoms and sharing them with us today is just what we need. The time is right, people are opening to their own powers. Just what Jesus tried to teach 2,000 years ago. At last His words and those of other great teachers and masters are at hand, unpolluted with multi-translations and corrupted interpretations. I listen over and over to the Gift of the Blessing. This changes lives! I used the "formula" in a presentation last week, and it was enthusiastically and lovingly received. THANK YOU from the BOTTOM-and top- of my HEART! Love, Judy M Johnson, Author, "Tapping Into Joy; a Handbook to Reveal Your True Light" Available on .
Gregg Braden provides exceptional insight to the mysteries. Pragmatic and spiritual all tied into his descriptions. One praise I often say is that we are fortunate to have a scientist (Gregg Braden) and the Quantum scientists revealing what we have known spiritually for thousands of years. Metaphysics becomes less "flaky" because of Gregg's insights to the world.Katherine Torres, Ph.D.Transpersonal Development
i whole-heartedly 100% recommend this audio son and i have been listening to the cd's in the car on our long commute and i am now grateful for all the time we have to listen, chew on new thoughts and discuss with no end, our reactions and all the ooohs and aaahs. Gregg Braden has a voice that is friendly and has all the verve that is warranted with information that could be dry as a bone. Good for your head , heart and soul !
Gregg Braden has a wonderfully silky voice (and not bad to look at either). I can listen to his CDs for hours. And his message is thought provoking and inspirational, especially when taken together with other "new thought" products... The Secret, Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley, The Attractor Factor, etc. The only comment I will make in listening to many of his CDs is that he repeats selections of his messages over and over again - but maybe its good to hear things numerous times packaged/surrounded in slightly different messages with each CD title. I definitely recommend Gregg Braden and any number of his CDs.
Very informative. I found these CD's full of new information. I found them empowering, yet freeing, leaving me with great hope for mankind. We will change our thoughts, we will change the outcome. Thinking green (ie, Al Gore's movie, "The Inconvienent Truth"), along with futher developing our passion towards global peace and acceptance of each other-We can change the outcome. Awareness+Action=Change. Gregg Braden reminds us that their is a lot more going on here on Earth, than we realize, and "yes", we WILL make a difference, mainly as a result of our day to day choices. We make a difference whether we want to admit it or not!! " Man is What He Thinks All Day;" " Our Thoughts Create Our Reality;" "Think Good and Good Follows". Right now, our choices are manifesting the future of mankind. Gregg reminds us of the power within each of us. "WE WILL CHANGE THE 'OUTCOME', WE WILL AVERT THE MAJOR TRAGEDiES PREDICTED IN THE BIBLICAL TEXT FROM LONG AGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I found Gregg Braden in my spiritual quest. His work really helped to provide some of the missing pieces that I had. He examines things like the Dead Sea Scrolls, and other texts. His insight to these pieces has helped to provide me with the logic that I needed to bridge spiritual concepts and real life. I have recently started reading and practising "The Secret." The logic and insight of Gregg Braden compliments other spiritual authors like those of "The Secret", Wayne Dwyer, Neal David Walsh and Ester and Jerry Hicks. I recommend Braden's books to others! This information simply makes sense and helps to provide logic to tie everything together! I have just started using "The Gift of the Blessing." These books/audios truly provide spiritual power! Some of the information is redundant from one book to the next but, it all comes together. These are a "must read" for anyone on a spiritual quest!
The Gregg Braden Audio Collection: Awakening the Power of Spiritual Technology The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church Beginning Power BI with Excel 2013: Self-Service Business Intelligence Using Power Pivot, Power View, Power Query, and Power Map Power Pivot and Power BI: The Excel User's Guide to DAX, Power Query, Power BI & Power Pivot in Excel 2010-2016 Samurai Awakening: (Samurai Awakening Book 1) Blockchain: The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Hidden Economy: (Blockchain Technology, Fintech, Financial Technology, Smart Contracts, Internet Technology) Spiritual Parenting: An Awakening for Today's Families Christian Science: Spiritual Awakening Gregg Shorthand, Series 90 Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-120, main text Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing: Kit 2: (Lessons 61-120) w/ Word 2013 Manual Microsoft Office Word 2016 Manual for Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP) Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing: Lessons 1-60 The GREGG Shorthand Manual Simplified Gregg College Keyboading & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 61-120 text Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-20 text Gregg Shorthand Dictionary: Miniature Series 90 (Diamond Jubilee Series) Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing Kit 1: Lessons 1-60 With Word 2010 Manual Gregg Notehand Gregg Shorthand Dictionary: Series 90