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NIV Audio Bible Dramatized CD
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- The complete Bible---64-CD set includes both Old and New Testaments - New International Version---today's most read, most trusted translation - New Testament selected by Audio Publishers Association as Audie Award winner---the most prestigious award for audio products - Multiple-voice dramatization brings the Bible to life with world-class narration and colorful, true-to-the-text character renderings - Fully orchestrated background with sound effects provides maximum enhancement of the text reading - Digital engineering from start to finish delivers the ultimate in clarity and listening enjoyment - Brief book introductions give you a quick, preparatory overview of each book of the Bible - Running time 76 hours - Lifetime guarantee stands behind this product's performance

Series: NIV Audio Bible

Audio CD

Publisher: Zondervan; Unabridged edition (January 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0310918634

ISBN-13: 978-0310918639

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 2.2 x 12 inches

Shipping Weight: 3 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (239 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #172,837 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #18 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Bible #222 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General #229 in Books > Books on CD > General

Consisting of 64 audio CDs in plastic sleeves in a zippered box, here you have the entire text of the NIV Bible in audio format. A brief overview of the strengths, weaknesses, and benefits of this great product:Strengths:1. Overall it is very respectful.2. The voices are generally not overly dramatic, and yet sufficiently expressive.3. The voices are very clear and pleasant to listen to.4. The music and sounds are mostly calm, appropriate and respectful.5. Using different voices for different speakers enhances the hearing of the text and the listening experience.6. There are different narrators for different Bible books, giving some variety in style.7. The text is exactly the NIV text, word for word.8. There are helpful brief introductions to each Bible book.9. Each chapter is on a separate track, so it is easy to select which chapter to listen to.Weaknesses:1. The sounds and music are sometimes overly dramatized, occasionally detracting from the Biblical text.2. The vocalization of "selah" in the Psalms is unnecessary and somewhat annoying.3. The decision as to which voices should be used is sometimes subjective and interpretive (eg what verses of the Song of Solomon are to be attributed to the different speakers is a controversial and difficult exegetical matter). To be fair, the audio Bible simply follows the interpretation suggested in the headings of the NIV translation, so this is more of an issue with the translation, not the recording.4. Although the chapters that are on each CD are printed on the CD itself, an additional booklet with this information would be helpful.5. Some Bible books are read somewhat too fast by the narrator (eg Jonah).6.

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