Series: The Everyman
Audio CD
Publisher: christianaudio; Unabridged edition (November 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 161045359X
ISBN-13: 978-1610453592
Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.6 x 5.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (536 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #169,339 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #96 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #215 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Men's Issues #215 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General
As a recovering sex/lust addict and a Christian, I found little information in this book that would be useful to a real addict. In the book, the authors describe their concept of a "fractional addict". This really sounds like someone who has developed a bad habbit and needs to come to the full understanding that it is NOT acceptable to God and must be given up. For people like that, I believe that the book's recommendations (bouncing the eyes, training the mind, etc.) will probably work.However, true addicts know that what they are doing is wrong, they want to stop, they try to stop, but cannot stop. (If I try to stop but can't stop, and I try to moderate but can't moderate, then I'm addicted.) This is a good book for those who finally decide to try to stop. Some will be able to stop (most hopefully) by practicing the book's suggested techniques for a few weeks, but actual sex/lust addicts will not.If you try what this book recommends, but you still can't find victory, please look into a 12-Step fellowship, such as Sexaholics Anonymous ([...] Some people may think that a 12-Step program is "less Christian" than the program described in this book, but that is simply not true! The original 12-Step program (AA) was based on the principles of the Oxford Group, a non-denominational Christian group. The 12-Steps are ABSOLUTELY consistent with Christianity. In fact, while Every Man's Battle describes methods to help ME stop certain activities through MY power, the 12-Steps help me to find a real relationship with God, so that I can call on Him during temptations and have victory through His power!Please check out the book, "Impossible Joy, the Good News for Lust and Sex Addicts, and other Sinners" (also available here on ).
" As a pastor, I am well-aware that the issue of sexual sin is one of the most pervasive and knotty issues facing the church today. But, unfortunately, there is a paucity of biblical, gospel-centered materials addressing this issue. Every Man's Battle certainly takes the issue head-on in a deadly serious manner, but the book's fundamental theology and resultant methodology are flawed enough that as a pastor not only would I not recommend it, I would actually encourage congregants not to read it. Here's the reason:- The significance of the work of Jesus for this particular issue does not show up at all until pg. 90, and there, it is only two short paragraphs! This is the book's primary shortfall. It offer's a "Christian" solution without talking much about Christ or the gospel ("gospel" used as a shorthand for his life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return.) Whereas the Bible recommends the gospel as not only the way to get into the kingdom, but the way to grow and mature (Col 2:6 "Just as you have received Christ, continue to live in him...), EMB doesn't really even explain the gospel as entry-point, and totally misses any perspective as to how the gospel "speaks" to the issue at hand. Though the authors would certainly reject this assessment, their counsel avoids the gospel as it pertains to sexual sin, providing essentially man-centered techniques instead.- It's basic methodology is built on the presumption that what is missing in this conversation in the church is an amplification of the LAW. First of all, this is a monumental misread of the current church culture. Do the authors truly think that men do not feel guilty enough about this issue? that they don't believe that God disapproves of promiscuity?!?
Every Man's BattleWaterBrook PressBy Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker232 pages +study guideI'm going to approach this review slightly differently than I would normally approach a review. That is, it will not be as long or detailed as it normally would be because this sort of book really does not lend itself to the sort of criticism I would normally level against a book. After all, who can argue with the need for sexual purity, especially among Christians for whom it is expected?That said, I cannot really criticize this book because, as the cover boasts, the series of which it is a part has sold a whopping 3 million copies (and I assume that number continues to grow as people learn about the series and as more and more people finally figure out that they are sexually out of control.) Again, who can argue? So I have only a couple of thoughts I would bring to the table for discussion and, as always, these are my perceptions which will necessarily differ from the perceptions of others. This is a good thing because it provokes conversation.It is sort of difficult to read this book without being confronted with the fact that yes, indeed, we all have issues when it comes to purity. It is true, as the authors say, `impurity is a habit.' I was confronted by this page after page. Personal anecdote: I went back to graduate school two years ago at a relatively local university. I am 41. Enough said. Purity issues are complicated and difficult, and it is terribly easy to fall into the habit of taking a peak or hoping for just a glimmer or hoping, secretly of course, that the young coed, easily half my age, forgets she is wearing a short skirt or remembers, as the case may be.
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