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Daniel (CD Set): Lives Of Integrity, Words Of Prophecy
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The prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats. Today, believers in Jesus Christ face many of the same trials. Join Beth Moore for an in-depth look at the life of Daniel.

Audio CD

Publisher: LifeWay Press (June 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1415832455

ISBN-13: 978-1415832455

Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 2.1 x 6.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (213 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #375,534 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #35 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Bible #177 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Ministry & Evangelism > Adult Ministry #269 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity

This book must be done with the dynamic DVD. Beth is a phenomenal teacher who brings Daniel into the 21st Century and shows how we are living in a type of Babylon. This book is terribly relevant in our materialistic culture. Have we made up our minds in advance about how we will act-- like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abedneggo did? Will we stand tall for what we believe in? The second half of the book involves a fascinating discussion of eschatology. She makes it so "understandable." I've done her Heart Like His, Woman's Heart, Fruits of the Spirit, Jesus the One and Only, half of John, and three of her LPM lectures. This is the best yet.

Five star, except that the videos are needed for the comprehensive study.This is a wonderful, in depth study of the book of Daniel. As usual, Beth Moore does a well researched and comprehensive study of the subject matter. The workbook addresses common pitfalls such as materialism, integrity, prayer, as well as some of the topics that are prophetic. Well worth the time!Any serious student of the book of Daniel should also read Gustav Mahler's book where this linguist has recently "unsealed" the book of Daniel by translating the text from right to left, finding significance in each letter!Beth's prayer for discernment and wisdom contained in her workbook is worth buying the book!This study is well worth the time and effort without the videos, but makes one wonder what you have missed.

Beth Moore is a very engaging preacher and I was inspired by some of her messages in this Daniel study. Unfortunately I didn't care for the study format, which is an hour of a preaching video and almost no allowance for discussion. The homework also does not lend itself to deep scriptural discussion, as it deals more with themes and folksy stories than exegesis.Also, I think making Daniel half about prophecy is not a wise idea. There are many end times views that don't see Daniel as having a place in future prophecy. Even though Beth mentions the other views, she focuses one the one she agrees with (which is understandable) but which bothered me, as I obviously don't agree with her view. She pulled alot of her viewpoints from commentaries and people who agreed with her viewpoint, as opposed to using inductive Bible study study methods.For someone interested in a serious study of end times, I recommend Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary by Steve Gregg (available here at ). This focuses on the Book of Revelation, and going verse by verse through the book of Revelations, shows what each of the main 4 end times views has to say about it. By reading through this, a student of end times can come to his/her own conclusion based on the strongest Biblical apologetics.The Beth Moore Bible study formula would be good for those who are more comfortable being told what to think--and I don't mean that snidely--just so you know there's not a good format for digging in on your own--or for finding out about generalized themes of the Bible.Honestly, Beth Moore's strength is preaching, and like I said, she had some very inspirational messages that encouraged me to apply Biblical truths to my own life. Just use her studies with the caveat of knowing her format.

Beth Moore has done it once again! Her passionate, humble enthusiasm and contagious hunger for God's Word leave me eagerly looking forward to the next day's study. I have done many different studies of the Bible and its wonderful books; however, I have never learned more from a single book than I have from this Daniel study. I realized I had never even scratched the surface of all this book has to offer. Dive in - you won't be disappointed! :o) (I highly recommend accompanying this study with the CD's - great for long commutes to work!)

This workbook by Beth Moore is awesome, it really is changing my point of view at the world around us. Keeping me more focused on God, and how He wants us to be in this deceiving world. How it's far more important what God thinks of me, than society.It is very good, recommended!!!

Beth Moore has done it again! She is so God inspired. This study teaches us to follow Daniel's example of prayer and living a life of loyalty and integrity. It is challenging and convicting. I would highly recommend doing it with a group because the video portions are what gives you a lot of information to do the daily workbook lessons. this study opens our eyes to what over-indulgent and self-centered people we are. She points out that the fall of every great empire starts with forgetting the poor. Really makes you think and opens your heart to hear what God desires from each of us personally. I have done 5 Beth Moore studies and I think this will be the most life changing. Go for it you will not be disappointed.

Although the majority of Beth Moore's studies are very good, in the area of Daniel's prophecies, this one is woefully inadequate. Moore teaches the dispensational premillennial view, a theological system that was created in the 1800s. There is no attempt to "study" what the Scriptures say regarding the prophecies. She simply states her theology with very little biblical support and provides no balance from historical millennial positions held by the church fathers. I got the impression that she was simply regurgitating what she had read somewhere. I don't believe she even mentions historic premillennialism and it was clear from her uninformed comments regarding the amillennial and postmillennial positions that she hasn't done her homework there either.What I found particularly upsetting was that in the second DVD lesson, Moore reads an excerpt from a 1969 sermon by Ray Stedman entitled "The Last Act" which contained so many inaccuracies about American and European history that I was embarrassed for my church showing it. (You can find this sermon on the internet if you "google" it.) Stedman tries to make the case that America and Europe are part of the fallen Roman Empire. (This is required by the dispensationalist view.) At one point Stedman claims that because German leaders are called "Kaisers," that this is evidence that the Roman Empire was the foundation for the government of Germany! I was disappointed that Moore would use this material as a part of her study.Although the analogies Moore draws between sinful Babylon and modern-day America are very good, I found them to be overshadowed by the poor exegesis and lack of balance in the prophetic side of the study.

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