Audio CD: 1 pages
Publisher: Sounds True; Unabridged edition (January 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1604077859
ISBN-13: 978-1604077858
Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 1 x 5.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars See all reviews (61 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,577,599 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #44 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Inspiration #1660 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #1663 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth
We have all read ad nauseum books about the law of attraction, the secrets of manifestation. I have an entire shelf of such books. What sets this book apart is that it goes beyond using the mind to manifest. In fact, regular manifesting is only stage two of the four stages! When you get to stage three, you actually have to surrender to the higher plan. The author warns: "The challenge is that now that you finally feel in control, control is the last thing you want to give up!" We learn the secret to manifesting, but then we learn to release the ego's need to be in charge. What Source has in store for us is much grander, in reality.The book is packed with some great original quotes from the author. Some of my favorites are below:"Ego cannot be annihilated, but it can be tamed." How true! Even the most enlightened people I have met or read about still have some residual ego as long as they are in the body."There are as many ways of realizing the union of Channel Consciousness as there are individuals, for each soul has its own unique romance with the Infinite." I have been saying this for decades: there are as many religions/spiritual paths as there are people."Where there is willfulness there is a wall; where there is willingness there is a way.""Discipline ultimately becomes `blissipline.'"Oh, and this is REALLY an eye opener: "While detachment and attachment push us away from love, nonattachment takes us toward love.
Life Visioning by Michael Beckwith is a guide to discovering and living your higher purpose. This book is not about religion but if you have some strong religious beliefs, you might find some conflict between your beliefs and what Mr. Beckwith teaches. That does not mean what he teaches is wrong, it does suggest that you should approach this book with an open and curious mind.Life Visioning or the Life Visioning Process should not be confused with visualization. Many people practice visualization - the process of visualizing some future goal you want to achieve. Mr. Beckwith defines the Life Visioning Process (LVP) as "a practice for becoming more deeply acquainted with yourself and for using what you discover for taking your next evolutionary leap in consciousness."He goes on to say that "Visioning is for those who are genuinely interested in breaking any agreements they have consciously or unconsciously made with mediocrity and replacing them with stability and excellence in the eight life structures: ego, belief, relationship, health, finances, livelihood, spirituality and community."This theory and his teachings are not new. He draws on the teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Emerson and many other philosophers. What is unique is the structured approach he brings to the process. In his view, there are four stages to the LVP - Stage one if the victim consciousness, Stage two is the manifester consciousness, Stage three is the channel consciousness and the final Stage four is being consciousness. These stages are not linear - that is you do not move through the stages in a linear fashion. They overlap. You may move back and forth between stages.I found the information on the first stage - the victim consciousness to have the most universal appeal.
I thought the book was pretty rewarding. There's a critical review that the book "says nothing new... maybe it's good for newbies" which is an odd to hear about a book in the spiritual realm because a) nothing is new and b) we're all newbies (a good place for that critic to start is the book: "Zen Mind Beginner Mind."I think there's a lot of armchair "spiritualists" who crave to be spoon fed something "new." Just for spoonfedness sake. If this book is basic for you and you adhere to the principals, I doubt you'd be critical of it, but rather be joyous it's there for others. If it's that basic, then you would have to be a master... as the material goes through his four stages, and the fourth stage is basically enlightenment... so, to that critic, i'm afraid if you're looking for something beyond the realm of perfect mastery, then you'll have to look outside the scope of a book!Below are my notes from reading the material through part I... these notes only address Part I one of the book (the part before the visioning process itself.)Life Visioning notes from Part I of the book: One of the first principles to honor in your relationship with yourself is to respect and trust your own inner voice. There are many sources of information (books, cd's, mp3's, speakers, web), but we should look inward instead of this outward way. Prayer shouldn't be pleading or begging a reluctant God. The unconditional love of Spirit is always ever-present. Visioining enables us to see the invisible and hear the inaudible - in other words... that stuff that is beyond the five senses. "Ultimately, genuine spiritual practice is for the purpose of getting free from the limitations of the ego, including worry, fear, doubt, lack, and other neurotic causes of human suffering.
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