Series: Life-Changing Bible Study Series
Audio CD: 5 pages
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Unabridged edition (July 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1442364548
ISBN-13: 978-1442364547
Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.8 x 6 inches
Shipping Weight: 5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (312 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #360,987 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #34 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Bible #42 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Religious #42 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Fiction
The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury offers a fictional view of six of the family members of Jesus (Mary, Joseph, Jesus’ brother James, John the Baptist, Zechariah, and Elizabeth), all anchored by Scriptural truth, creating a life-changing and unprecedented emotional connection to the Bible.I was really excited to read The Family of Jesus by my friend, Karen Kingsbury. At first, I was a little skeptical as I know how I feel about fictionalizing Bible stories, but I felt Karen nailed it! Karen begins the book with a reader letter. I felt her heart and motive in writing this book and this really set me at ease and allowed me to fall in love with the story.I normally do not cry in books, but Karen really pulled a heartstring when she wrote about Joseph. The Bible does not give us a lot of details about Jesus’ earthly father. This is where the fiction came in and Karen took what we do know and then tried to imagine if it could happen. What would it have been like to be Joseph? Imagine what it would have been like, in that time period, to be Joseph and the girl you are to marry comes and says, “I am pregnant.” Joseph knew it was not his baby. Now think of how you would react to Mary saying, “this baby is from God.” Of course, Karen tells it better than my brief example, but I never took the time to think about what really might have gone through Joseph’s head as he heard this news. We are told in the Bible that he wanted to divorce Mary.As I read this whole story, I fell in love with the characters in the Family of Jesus. In fact, these are individuals in my family and in the family of Christians. Karen took me to a place I did not know existed as I felt like I got to know these individuals on a personal level. Of course, this is not the Bible.
There are two books in this Family of Jesus series by Karen Kingsbury. The book shown here with the light cover is the "trade book" and the second book has a dark cover and is called the "6-session Bible study." The trade book is 304 pages and the Bible study workbook is 158 pages.This beautifully written Bible study is based on the lives of Joseph, Zechariah, John the Baptist, James and Mary... family of Jesus. The trade book is written in storytelling format (example): "He rounded the corner and saw her house, on a modest lot of land near the edge of town. Often at night Mary would be out back, staring at the distant valley, praying to God or dreaming of the days ahead," The Bible study book is written in an instructive and informative format (example): "In Old Testament times, a divinely-appointed task was often connected to an office such as prophet or king." (followed by questions): "Now think about your life. How have you grown in godliness? In what ways do you struggle with the same temptations or sins?"The storytelling format of this book is history rewritten and told from the view of one author. Kingsbury is a fantastic writer and uses great visual descriptions to bring the characters to life; in this case, the Biblical characters and historical figures related to Jesus.The trade book shown here does have a short study guide at the end of each chapter. It's rather confusing unless you have both the trade book and the 6-week study guide side-by-side for comparison. Yes, the trade book does have five days of questions and group discussion questions for each chapter of the book. No, the trade guide does not have a deeper Bible study format.
Title: The Family of JesusAuthor: Karen KingsburyPublisher: Howard BooksISBN: 978-1-4767-0737-2“She could do nothing to stop the tears as she reached the others, but none of them seemed to notice. Mary was glad. Long ago, she had needed time to ponder the birth of her son. Now she would need time to ponder His death,” Karen Kingsbury writes in her book, "The Family of Jesus."First of four in the “Life Changing Bible Study Series,” this three hundred and four page hardback targets those that enjoy fictionally enhanced stories of the Bible, along with devotional studies for personal or group application. Using mainly the New International Version of the Bible, also the KJV is referenced.Different from most of the author’s storytelling works, this one is uniquely laid out with six short novellas of family members close to Jesus: Joseph, Zachariah, John the Baptist, Elizabeth, James, and Mary. Next are six weekly corresponding studies on these characters that have five days’ each of devotionals including Bible verses, bullet points, and fill-in the blank activities, followed by group discussions.While the stories are not totally based on Biblical facts, Kingsbury takes ample liberty establishing the emotional and personal connection the relatives have with Jesus. Each blends different perspectives of Christ’s birth, baptism, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection from a human viewpoint.More importantly is the study guide in the second half of the book. Each day has a Bible reading suggestion listed at the top of the page and a theme gleaned from the story, with two or three personal questions including lines for answers.
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