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Amplified Bible Audio Version Complete New Testament On 20 CDs
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Do you hunger from more intimacy with your Heavenly Father?Are you seeking a deeper understanding of His Word?Do the demands placed on your time make it difficult to read the Bible consistently?Now you can increase your understanding and time in the Word like never before. This is the first Amplified Audio Bible. The complete New Testament is an accurate word-for-word reading on 20 digitally mastered CDsWhy Choose The Amplified Bible?

Audio CD

Publisher: TAW~Global, LLC (2007)

Language: English


Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 5 x 1.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (13 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #886,235 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #78 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Bible #680 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity #1449 in Books > Books on CD > Religion & Spirituality > General

The Amplified Bible is an English translation that reveals shades of meaning from the original languages. The extra clarification provided by such an exceptional translation makes listening to this audio bible easy. I generally read the King James Version, and tend to pause and reflect while reading, but for listening (when pausing is not convenient) the clarifying words and phrases that are woven into the sentences achieve a similar result.

I am not very familiar with the Bible and find it hard to read, so got the cds because I thought it would help me learn what is actually in the Bible. It does that job. I don't know if the amplified part is really all that helpful. At least I am getting to see what is in the Bible. The voice of the reader threw me off at first, but I got used to him over time.

Oh I like these just fine. I was concerned about listening to the Amplified because it does have a lot of words, but he does really well, and most important, he reads like he really understands what he is reading! The price was right. I appreciate it very much!

I discovered while playing and listening to CD 1 & 2 after tracks 7 on one and track 6 on 2 it doesn't advance to the next track like it should, it just keeps repeating that track over and over until you manually click or advance it yourself to the next track.Other than that it is nice listening to.

The reading of this Bible on these CDs is just wonderful. The reading has the perfect voice and keeps you really tuned in while listening.. thanks for the great deal.....and super fast shipping too...

I'm very happy with the Amplified Bible Audio New Testament CDs, no problem with the quality of sound, would recommend it to any one, really great price,

I was pleased to have it as a tool and to give it to a family member who is learning about faith and the Word of God. They were happy to have it also

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