Series: Intermediate
Audio CD: 120 pages
Publisher: Berlitz Travel Guide; Com/Bklt B edition (June 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9812684093
ISBN-13: 978-9812684097
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 1.4 x 10.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.5 out of 5 stars See all reviews (6 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,750,438 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #60 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Italian #501 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Italian #889 in Books > Travel > Asia > China > General
I've used Berlitz Premier Italian (Berlitz Premier), this intermediate package and Berlitz Advanced Italian. All three were valuable learning tools. Over the past two years, I've used the CDs in all three packages to supplement what I'm learning in Italian school (Parliamo Italiano in NYC) and with a private tutor. All the CDs have great dialogues and I've literally spent hundreds of hours listening to them. They offer two advantages over school: unlimited repetition and an escape from listening to other students' mistakes and bad accents. The written material in these packages, available via download in the 6-CD beginners' (Premier) pack and included as books in the intermediate and advanced packages, is decent, but not a substitute for a more structured grammar book.Advertising for language-learning materials usually promises more or less instant, effortless results. That's unrealistic with any product. Considering the amount of time I've listened to the Berlitz CDs and what I've learned from them, I think that they are an incredibly good value.My major criticism of Berlitz is that they offer a bewildering array of products, many with similar-sounding titles. The material covered is never explained. They just tell you the number of CDs in the package, which in itself doesn't mean anything. In fact, I would say that most of the CDs run around 25-30 minutes, less than half of their capacity.
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